The implementation of podcasts for the acquisition of the German language in the touristic environment




german as foreign language, foreign language acquisition, languages for professional purposes, collaborative work, podcast, neurodidactics, cognitive learning, tourism, early academics development


Introduction: This article presents a study about the acquisition of language leaning, in this case of the german language, through the creation and recording of podcasts in the touristic environment for the subjects German for the Tourism Degree II and IV: Focus on group projects and public speaking. The work at hand is based on an innovative project, conducted as a collaboration between students, lecturer assistents, a german language assistant and a professor. Methodology: Through this collaborative work, the participants aim to reinforce the formation of the future professionals in the touristic field. To achieve this goal, the foreign language is practiced in a special setting. Realized as audio recordings, in which the students perform a roleplay, conversations are collected for the lated publication as a university podcast. Results: To evaluate the data, a survey was executed among the students. The number of participants totals 22 (n=22). Discussions: The present approach simplifies the immersion of one’s own experiences into the real world, increasing the motivation during the learning process through early professional practice. Conclusions: Demonstrate to what level podcasts can be a useful tool for foreign language learning in regards to its high level of interactivity.



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Author Biographies

Isabel Gallego Gallardo, University of Cádiz

PhD in German Philology from the University of Seville. Since the presentation of my doctoral thesis entitled: Ecolinguistics in German-speaking countries: a descriptive study from the point of view of sustainability (2017), I have been researching the theoretical foundations of ecolinguistics and its implications for current issues from a sustainable perspective. My research interests: ecolinguistics, sociolinguistics, critical discourse analysis, German language and linguistics and didactics of German as a foreign language. I am currently Professor of German Language at the University of Cadiz (Spain) since 2006, and a member of the Research Group HUM 485 of the Junta de Andalucía (Spain): Foreign Language Teaching: Materials for a new curriculum design.

Finja Kuschel, TU Dortmund University

Student at the Technical University of Dortmund in Germany. I am finishing my degree in Literature and Cultural Sciences with my thesis entitled: Between expulsion, acceptance and genocide: the contemporary artistic treatment of the Jewish past in the Sephardic Diaspora (2024). I have done an exchange in Mexico and worked as a foreign language assistant at the University of Cadiz during the current academic year 2023 - 2024, in which I have collaborated with Professor Isabel Gallego Gallardo on the project that forms the basis of this article. Next October I will start my Master's degree in Intercultural Communication and Education, with a view to a future career in the German Foreign Office.


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How to Cite

Gallego Gallardo, I., & Kuschel, F. (2025). The implementation of podcasts for the acquisition of the German language in the touristic environment. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–20.


