Women artists, identity and gender struggles. Reviewing a past itinerary to navigate future paths in 21st century society





art, woman, gender, identity, activism, itinerary, resistance, regression


Introduction: This research work is based on the study of women artists and their involvement in identity and gender struggles. We review the personal and professional trajectories of women who could influence contemporary society in the face of the threat of a political paradigm shift. This change is suggested by the emergence of leaders who propose illiberal democracies, which entail the danger of social regression. Methodology: Through qualitative content analysis, we propose hypotheses and objectives by combining perspectives from history and social sciences that allow the defense of the current status quo and progress in achieving fundamental rights. Results: The research shows how the development of this itinerary, already traversed by some women artists, can help navigate future paths. Discussions: The endorsement of this itinerary should serve to confront hostile elements that seek regression. Conclusions: All of this will help resist and progress in moments when, moreover, the identity struggles to be defended have multiplied exponentially.


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Author Biography

Ana Mª Palomo Chinarro, University of Vic - Central University of Catalonia

She holds a degree in Art History from the University of Barcelona and a PhD in Education from the University of Vic - Central University of Catalonia. She is currently a professor accredited for the position of ‘Titular’ and teaches at UVic-UCC on the degrees of Audiovisual Communication, Journalism and Advertising and Public Relations. She is also a researcher at the Gender Studies Group: Translation, Literature, History and Communication (GETLIHC), where she researches on issues related to the visual arts and feminist claims. As a professional, she has worked as an art critic in different media and has curated exhibitions both nationally and internationally. She is also vice-president of H, Asociación para las Artes Contemporáneas, which manages ACVIC Centro de Arte.


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How to Cite

Palomo Chinarro, A. M. (2025). Women artists, identity and gender struggles. Reviewing a past itinerary to navigate future paths in 21st century society. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–19. https://doi.org/10.31637/epsir-2025-1075



Humanism and Social Sciences