Degrees in Sociology, Political Science and Social Work in the public universities of Andalusia and Catalonia: current overview and variables linked to the EHEA




public Universities of Andalusia, public Universities of Catalonia, degree in Sociology, degree in Political Science, degree in Social Work, academic offer, Higher education, university studies


Introduction: The aim of this research is to compare the academic offer in the bachelor’s and double Bachelor's Degrees in Sociology, Political Science and Social Work in the Public Universities of Andalusia and Catalonia, selected because they are the autonomous communities with the largest number of public universities in Spain and, in addition, they have more than 450,000 students. Methodology, the universe is made up of 17 public universities in Andalusia and Catalonia, while the sample is made up of 13 universities. The variables analyses were: the number of places available for new students, the cut-off mark in the first year, first enrolment fees, and the compulsory nature of external internships, among others. Results: the high level of first registration fees in Catalan universities compared to Andalusian universities and the greater academic offer of double degrees in Sociology, Political Science and Social Work combined with other degrees in the field of Social Sciences in Andalusian universities. The degree in Social Work, with 906 new entry places, is the leader in Andalusian Universities. The Universities of Catalonia offer a total of 295 new places for the bachelor’s degree in Political Science, in contrast to the 135 places offered by the Universities of Andalusia. Conclusions: The study reveals that Catalan universities have higher first-year registrations compared to Andalusian universities, while Andalusian universities offer a greater variety of double degrees.


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Author Biographies

Sara Gallego Trijueque, Rey Juan Carlos University

PhD in Documentation (UCM). Degree in Sociology and Political Sciences (UPSAM). Master in Social Security Management (UAH), Master in Information and Knowledge Society (UPSAM), Master in Psychology (IPG), LII Course of High International Studies, Studies on development cooperation, poverty and hunger and major international issues of the Third Millennium (SEI). He has a six-year research period (CNEAI) and two DOCENTIA. She publishes scientific contributions in indexed journals and publishers of recognized prestige. She has worked in AECID. Currently, he teaches at URJC in the subjects Sociology of Deviance, Sociology of Business and Contemporary Social Structure, among others. Her lines of research are digitalized society, AI and teaching innovation and public space and women.

Carlos Oliva Marañón, Rey Juan Carlos University

D. from the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, where he is Erasmus-Munde Academic Exchange Teaching Manager (GDIA) for the Audiovisual Communication Degree and Expert in Credit Recognition (ERC) for the Journalism Degree. He has two research triennia (Humanities and Social Sciences) by the Fundación para el Conocimiento madri+d and two DOCENTIA. Currently, she teaches at URJC in the subjects Information Documentation, History of Audiovisual Media, Audience Research and Communication Theories. He publishes scientific contributions in indexed journals and publishers of recognized prestige. He has worked as a documentalist in the Spanish Parliament (Senate), the Cervantes Institute and the Consejería de Educación de la Comunidad de Madrid (Dirección General de Ordenación Académica), among other institutions.


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How to Cite

Gallego Trijueque, S., & Oliva Marañón, C. (2024). Degrees in Sociology, Political Science and Social Work in the public universities of Andalusia and Catalonia: current overview and variables linked to the EHEA. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–20.

