Environmental culture in first semester university students: a diagnostic study





Environmental culture, young university students, cognitive level, attitudinal level;, procedural scale, higher education, environmental awareness, sustainable practices


Introduction: The purpose of this study is to evaluate the environmental culture of young people in their first semester at a public university. Methodology: In order to carry out the examination, a quantitative and descriptive approach was used. For this purpose, an instrument was used which employed a Likert level for its resolution. The study sample consisted of 43 higher education students. Results: As main findings, it was found that the cognitive level was the one that obtained the highest proportion and is located in a medium scale, followed by the attitudinal level, which has a medium level, and at the end, the procedural scale, which has a low level. Discussions: the review highlights the need to strengthen environmental education to foster greater awareness and sustainable practices essential to address the global ecological crisis and promote a more sustainable future. Conclusions: In general, first semester students have an average of medium level of environmental culture (75.01%), which alludes to the need to work on improving this level.


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Author Biographies

Arturo González Torres, National Technological Institute of Mexico

Undergraduate and postgraduate lecturer, recipient of several awards for academic excellence. He is a member of the National Council of Humanities, Sciences and Technologies (CONAHCYT). He has an extensive academic background, including industrial engineering, several master's and doctoral degrees, and post-doctorates in Educational Technology and Business Administration. He holds several professional certifications and participates as a reviewer and editor in several international journals. He is founder of the international journal IPSUMTEC and also founder of the multidisciplinary scientific journal NEYART.

He has coordinated and published books on education research. He holds certifications in teaching competencies and consultancy. He has participated in the publication of academic articles and as technical editor of a mathematics book.

Maria Luisa Pereira Hernández, Universidad Pedagógica del Estado de Sinaloa

She belongs to Redlate and is an active member and editorial coordinator of the journal IPSUMTEC, an electronic digital journal of the Tecnológico Nacional de México de Milpa Alta.

Currently, she belongs to the National System of Researchers of CONAHCYT and is a member of the Sinaloense System of Researchers and Technologists, her latest works have been published in the publishing house Centro de Estudios e Investigaciones para el Desarrollo Docente A.C. (CENID).

Claudia Carolina Lacruhy Enríquez, National Technological Institute of Mexico

Academic and professional with a solid background in administration and education. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration, two Master's degrees (in Education and Business Administration), a PhD in Administrative Sciences and is currently pursuing a post-doctorate in Sciences.

His teaching career is mainly at the Instituto Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Los Cabos, where he has the Deseable PRODEP profile. She also collaborates with the Autonomous University of Baja California Sur. She is a national facilitator for various courses offered by the Tecnológico Nacional de México.

Lacruhy Enríquez has multiple certifications in competencies related to teaching, evaluation and course design. Her trajectory in research began in 2017, participating since then in congresses and publishing articles in the field of Administrative Sciences.

Her areas of interest include strategic management, Sustainable Development Goals, business models, resilience, shared value creation and its application to tourism.


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How to Cite

González Torres, A., Pereira Hernández, M. L., & Lacruhy Enríquez, C. C. (2025). Environmental culture in first semester university students: a diagnostic study. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–20. https://doi.org/10.31637/epsir-2025-1093



Humanism and Social Sciences