4.000 years of history one click away





Sustainable Knowledge, Information, Intellectual Resonance, Sustainability, Library, Librarian, Research Progress, Technological Advancement


Introduction: This research addresses the impact of research processes in contemporary society, with the aim of understanding how knowledge and technological progress are produced in the 21st century through three thematic axes: information in the digitised society, the evolution of scientific production and the concept of ‘sustainable knowledge’. Methodology: A mixed approach was used, analysing the impact of sustainable knowledge through expert testimony. The research, descriptive in scope, explored phenomena related to the object of study. The design was non-experimental and a semi-structured interview was used as a data collection instrument. Results: A lack of clarity was identified regarding the actors involved in the dynamism of information and knowledge production, which affects the understanding of the process of knowledge creation and dissemination. Discussion: The research underlines the need to approach sustainable knowledge as an integral process, involving not only the production and dissemination of knowledge, but also its intellectual resonance in society. Conclusions: To achieve sustainable development, it is essential to direct the production and dissemination of knowledge, and to foster processes of intellectual resonance that endure over time.


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Author Biography

Tomás Mesa Guzmán, Universidad EAN

Sixth semester student of Communication at the Universidad Ean, belonging to the ComTIC research group.


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How to Cite

Mesa Guzmán, T. (2025). 4.000 years of history one click away. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–12. https://doi.org/10.31637/epsir-2025-1104



Humanism and Social Sciences