Internal communication in teleworking digital marketing agencies
telework, internal communication, sense of belonging, hybrid profile, multidirectional discussion, work-life balance, digital work, spainAbstract
Introduction: Since the proclamation of Royal Decree-Law 28/2020 of 22 September on teleworking on the occasion of COVID19, a framework of rights and duties of information and communication was established for teleworkers, a reality that is still in force today. Methodology: A review of the literature in databases and trend reports is carried out with a twofold objective: to analyse whether the literature on internal communication in teleworking can be applied to digital marketing agencies and to make a research proposal for this sector based on the review. Results: The literature reviewed consists of 60 documents, mostly in Spanish and on the occasion of the pandemic, while the gap in Spain regarding its application to digital marketing agencies is completed with the design of an interview for these professionals. Discussion: The variety of the terms reviewed could be due to the fact that in professional practice telework is not defined univocally, referring to the hybrid profile that has grown the most in Spain as a lifestyle of its own and which is most highly valued. Conclusions: This difficulty could be overcome by implementing internal communication models customised to the situation of each company.
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