Scientific literature on the training of university teachers in Spain: thematic analysis




university professors, teaching and research staff, continuous training, permanent education, teaching, digital skills, bibliographic review, content analysis


Introduction: The importance of the training of university teachers is accredited in university legislation and in the strategic plans of universities. Methodology: The objective of the study is to identify thematic trends of the studies published on university teacher training in Spain, from 1999 to 2023. To do this, content analysis has been applied to a sample of 361 documents, according to the categories: functions of teaching staff, initial training, relationship with areas of knowledge, transversal skills and studies of university training plans or programs. Results and discussion: The centers of interest of the scientific community have mainly focused on issues of a pedagogical and technological nature. There are few studies on the different functions performed by university teaching staff, as well as those related to their initial training, specific areas of knowledge and the analysis of training plans or programs. There are also few that refer to issues of ethics, rights and social responsibility, workplace well-being, psychosocial skills, academic career, internationalization and languages. Conclusions: This reality suggests the need for a more comprehensive look at the transversal functions and competencies to be taken into account in university teacher training policies.


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Author Biographies

Francisco Javier Malagón Terrón, International University of Catalonia

Consultant expert in communication and education applied to public policies and organizations, PhD candidate at the International University of Catalonia (Communication, Education, and Humanities Program). Associate Professor at the Complutense University of Madrid (Department of Sociology: Methodology and Theory, Faculty of Information Sciences). Member of the University Teaching Network (REDU), the Spanish Society of Pedagogy (SEP), the Association of Communication Directors (DirCom), and the Association of Political Communication (ACOP). Holds a Master’s in Psychopedagogy, a Master’s in Mediation, a Master’s in Digital Marketing, and a Bachelor’s in Information Sciences, among other qualifications. He has collaborated on various studies and has published research papers related to the fields of Education and Communication.

María Cadilla Baz, Complutense University of Madrid

PhD in Information Sciences. Associate Professor at the Complutense University of Madrid (Department of Sociology: Methodology and Theory, Faculty of Information Sciences), where she teaches research methodologies, among other subjects. Coordinator of the Master’s Degree in Social Communication (UCM). Her research activity focuses on communication, mainly in areas such as virtualization or youth. She has supervised three doctoral theses and has professional experience as a television documentalist and in the editing of scientific journals.


Ana María Sánchez Sánchez, Complutense University of Madrid

Economist, expert in Big Data, consultant in data management and analysis. Associate Professor at the Complutense University of Madrid (Department of Financial, Actuarial, and Statistical Economics, Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences). Holds a Master’s in Big Data, a Master’s in Innovation and Business Mediation, and a Bachelor’s in Economic and Business Sciences, among other qualifications. She has collaborated on various studies and has published research papers related to the fields of Education and Communication.

Mariona Graell Martín, International University of Catalonia

PhD in Education and Democracy, Master’s in Executive Development, Emotional Intelligence and Coaching, Master’s in University Teaching for New Faculty. She is a professor at the Faculty of Education Sciences, teaching in the Bachelor’s Degrees in Early Childhood and Primary Education, and a member of the Quality and Teaching Innovation Classroom. She is a researcher in the Sustainability and Integral Education (SEI) research group, focusing on teacher training, sustainability, values education, and children’s literature. In recent years, she has published various works related to teacher training, education for sustainable development, and Service-Learning.


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How to Cite

Malagón Terrón, F. J., Cadilla Baz, M., Sánchez Sánchez, A. M., & Graell Martín, M. (2025). Scientific literature on the training of university teachers in Spain: thematic analysis. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–21.


