From Repression to Surf: A Sociological Analysis of the Transformation of Peniche's Image


  • Diego Santos González



audiovisual communication, lifestyle, marketing, surf, sociology, tourism, sustainability, sports


Introduction: This study examines the transformation of Peniche, a coastal city in Portugal, from its association with repression during the Salazar dictatorship to its current recognition as an international surf capital. Methodology: A mixed-method approach was used, combining in-depth interviews with residents, tourism students, and surfers, and surveys with visitors. Additionally, the evolution of the city's symbols was analyzed. Results: Findings indicate that surfing has played a crucial role in redefining Peniche's image. Interviews and surveys revealed a dramatic shift in the city's perception, from a dark past to a vibrant tourist destination. Discussion: Communication and marketing strategies have been key to this rebranding, using slogans and symbols that resonated with both residents and visitors. Conclusions: Peniche has successfully overcome its repressive past through a combination of community efforts and sustainability strategies, establishing itself as a world-renowned surf destination.


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Author Biography

Diego Santos González

D. in Sociology from Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (URJC) in 2016, he is professor and director of tourism programs at EAE Business School Madrid, and professor of sociology at UNIE Universidad. His line of research focuses on surf tourism, the sociology of surfing and the social sustainability of tourism. He has published numerous articles in scientific journals and has participated in international conferences.


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How to Cite

Santos González, D. (2024). From Repression to Surf: A Sociological Analysis of the Transformation of Peniche’s Image. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–15.



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