From Repression to Surf: A Sociological Analysis of the Transformation of Peniche's Image


  • Diego Santos González


Palabras clave:

audiovisual communication, lifestyle, marketing, surf, sociology, tourism, sustainability, sports


Introduction: This study examines the transformation of Peniche, a coastal city in Portugal, from its association with repression during the Salazar dictatorship to its current recognition as an international surf capital. Methodology: A mixed-method approach was used, combining in-depth interviews with residents, tourism students, and surfers, and surveys with visitors. Additionally, the evolution of the city's symbols was analyzed. Results: Findings indicate that surfing has played a crucial role in redefining Peniche's image. Interviews and surveys revealed a dramatic shift in the city's perception, from a dark past to a vibrant tourist destination. Discussion: Communication and marketing strategies have been key to this rebranding, using slogans and symbols that resonated with both residents and visitors. Conclusions: Peniche has successfully overcome its repressive past through a combination of community efforts and sustainability strategies, establishing itself as a world-renowned surf destination.


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Biografía del autor/a

Diego Santos González

Doctor en Sociología por la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (URJC) en 2016, es profesor y director de los programas de turismo en EAE Business School Madrid, y profesor de sociología en UNIE Universidad. Su línea de investigación se centra en el turismo de surf, la sociología del surf y la sostenibilidad social del turismo. Ha publicado numerosos artículos en revistas científicas y ha participado en conferencias internacionales.


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Cómo citar

Santos González, D. (2024). From Repression to Surf: A Sociological Analysis of the Transformation of Peniche’s Image. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–15.



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