Heutagogy of relativity: Scientific argumentation and discussion, mediated by a virtual forum





heutagogy, didactic strategy, knowledge construction, communication, 21st century skills, discussion forum, relativity, critical thinking


The development of 21st require rethinking the learning processes; considering the student-teacher relationships, teaching practices and the way in which it is evaluated, so the proposal based on heutagogy is conducive to self-regulation of learning through a virtual forum for learning relativity. Methodology: A case study with a convenience sample of 20 students, analyzing the arguments and the students' judgments about the concept of relativity, analyzed through the Atlas.ti software. Results: The implementation of the forum with a heutagogy approach provides elements for students to consider and think about their own learning, showing effectiveness in the interactivity for the exchange of messages, although learning does not always occur. Discussions: : It is required that the strategy with heutagogy approach be applied in the following semesters to be able to make a comparative and the effectiveness of the approach. Conclusions: The design of the didactic strategy proves that the use of a forum with appropriate content and according to the student´s level of studies tends to heutagogy learning.



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Author Biography

Guillemina Ávila García, National Polytechnic Institute

D. in science with a specialisation in educational physics from the IPN's Centro de Investigación en Ciencia Aplicada y Tecnología Avanzada (CICATA), her doctoral thesis received an honourable mention and the prize for the best postgraduate thesis at the IPN 2023. She is a professor at CECyT 11 and CICATA, Legaria, IPN. She is a member of: Red de Innovación e Investigación Educativas, Red de los Seminarios Repensar, Sociedad Mexicana de Computación and of the Mesa Interamericana de Diálogo por la Educación Científica (Argentina). Her research focuses on science didactics, educational innovation, intelligent use of technology and mathematical modelling. He is a member of the National System of Researchers in Mexico.


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How to Cite

Ávila García, G. (2025). Heutagogy of relativity: Scientific argumentation and discussion, mediated by a virtual forum. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–19. https://doi.org/10.31637/epsir-2025-1193


