ChatGPT training, reading, critical thinking and creativity
ChatGPT training, early childhood education, reading, critical thinking, creativity, memory, generative intelligence and executive intelligence, language and human thoughtAbstract
Introduction: This article reviews the relationship between the training of the ChatGPT model and the methodologies used by parents and teachers to teach children expert reading, and thereby encourage critical thinking and creativity. Methodology: An exhaustive narrative review of the scientific literature was carried out, using academic databases and popular books. Results: ChatGPT training includes data acquisition, iterative adjustments, and reinforcement learning with human feedback, which is similar to shared and repetitive reading techniques used by parents. It was found that in both AI models and children's learning, the integration of new information into pre-existing networks is crucial for long-term retention and understanding. Discussion: The results show that the learning techniques used in ChatGPT can offer valuable strategies for early childhood education. Repetition and feedback are essential in both contexts, although there are significant differences, such as the lack of awareness in AI models. Conclusions: ChatGPT training methodologies and children's educational strategies share essential principles. However, the intrinsic differences between artificial intelligence and natural intelligence are not negligible.
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