Open data for value creation: attention and interest for marketing




Spain, autonomous communities, open data, marketing, value creation, open data portals, population data, public information


Introduction: The offer of public sector information through open data has been consolidated worldwide. Within the diverse typology of open data, demographic information is of high interest for marketing as it constitutes a useful variable for market segmentation. Methodology: The regional datasets are reviewed in April 2024, observing that, of the almost 40,000 existing data sets, approximately 7,000 have the “Demography” label. Results: This section offers a summary of the autonomous content of demographic data. Discussion: Very important inter-autonomous differences are seen both in the number of datasets, percentage with respect to the autonomous total, information contained and in the formulation of the data sets. Conclusions: Although there is relevant data, the observed heterogeneity hinders the automated processing of information and, therefore, the creation of value, either by infomediary companies or by market research institutes.


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Author Biographies

Ricardo Curto Rodríguez, University of Oviedo

Diploma in Business Administration, Degree in Business Administration and Doctor Cum Laude in Economics and Business. Accredited by ANECA as Hired Doctor. Professor in the Department of Business Administration at the University of Oviedo and in the Master's Degree in Teacher Training at the International University of La Rioja. He has a recognized six-year research period. Author of fifteen articles published in high impact indexed journals and seven book chapters. His research interests are open data, transparency and accountability. He is a member of the editorial team of the Revista Española de la Transparencia, reviewer in WoS indexed journals, and speaker and coordinator at conferences (general coordinator of CIT 2021).

Rafael Marcos Sánchez, International University of La Rioja

D. in Economics and a degree in Economics, Business and Actuarial Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid. Since 2011, he has been a professor at the International University of La Rioja (UNIR) and has been teaching at CES Valdecás (Madrid) since 2001. He has a recognized six-year research period. With experience as Technical Director of CES Valdecás (2007-2011), he has taught economics, educational management, didactics and metacognition. His lines of research include metacognition, school management and educational coaching. She has directed Master's Thesis and teaches in teacher training programs and school management. In addition, she has developed courses on basic competencies and educational leadership.


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How to Cite

Curto Rodríguez, R., & Marcos Sánchez, R. (2024). Open data for value creation: attention and interest for marketing. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–16.



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