Adaptation of a teaching innovation project to the guidelines of the European Higher Education area




Communication, Education, Advertisement, teaching innovation project, University, higher education, Public relations, EHEA


Abstract: Introduction: We address the creation and establishment of a teaching innovation project that focuses on the students' learning of the knowledge and functions of the advertising system from the organization of the Publicatessen Festival. Methodology: It is based on the application of the six itineraries, established in the degree in Advertising and PR, of the University of Valladolid, which encompass the different profiles of the advertising and PR profession. Results: Collaborative work, time management, resolution of conflict situations, negotiation, promoting leadership... are some of the specific objectives that have been met during the creation and materialization of the Publicatessen Festival. Discussions: the university, through this type of projects, moves away from endogamy and opens up to other public and private spaces in which synergies occur. Conclusions: Bringing the professional reality closer to the university and involving the city in which the festival takes place are the two strategic axes on which Publicatessen is based, whose fulfillment of the stated objectives continues in its arrival in the labor market. linked to advertising, of the students participating in the management of this event.


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Author Biographies

Marian Núñez Cansado, University of Valladolid

Lecturer at the University of Valladolid. Lines of research associated with the psychology of communication and the ethics and deontology of communication. Expert in Neuromarketing measurements and coordinator of the teaching innovation project ‘The organisation of successful advertising festivals as a tool for the integration of academic and professional skills’ (167), at the University of Valladolid.

Lara González Díaz, University of Valladolid

Associate Professor at the University of Valladolid. Her lines of research are directly associated with protocol, communication and event organisation.

Alberto Martín García, University of Valladolid

PhD in Communication and Assistant Professor at the University of Valladolid. His main line of research deals with the relationship between brands, communication professionals and consumers in social networks, a field in which he has also developed his professional life in different advertising agencies. In his literary facet, he has written five novels, being finalist of the Ateneo Novel Prize 2012 and winner of the Talento Caligrama Prize 2019.


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How to Cite

Núñez Cansado, M., González Díaz, L., & Martín García, A. (2025). Adaptation of a teaching innovation project to the guidelines of the European Higher Education area. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–19.


