Media literacy in a hyperconnected world: from social networks to Artificial Intelligence




artificial intelligence, information sources, ChatGPT, media literacy, social media, disinformation, fake news, technology


Introduction: Nowadays artificial intelligence (AI) has become a key element in content creation. In the same way, thousands of users employ it to resolve doubts on specific topics, but is it a tool with accurate information? Methodology: Therefore, this study aims to analyze the sources of information used by AI like ChatGPT and understand how it alerts users to the quality of those sources. Results: As for the results, this study examines the most widely used content creation AIs among users: ChatGPT, You, and Gemini. Discussions: The inclusion of information on the sources used by AIs not only increases the credibility of the content generated, but also fosters a culture of responsibility and ethics in the use of technology. Conclusions: There is an improvement in the implementation and transparency of information sources concerning the creation of texts and queries by the AI studied.


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Author Biographies

Javier Bustos Díaz, University of Malaga

PhD in Communication (2017), Master in Journalistic Communication Research (2013) and Bachelor in Journalism (2012) from the University of Malaga. He is currently Associate Professor (AQU) in the undergraduate area at Euncet Business School. He holds a Sexenio de Investigación (CNEAI-ANECA 2021). In his academic career he has accumulated more than fifty publications including articles in the Journal Citations Reports and the Scimago Journal & Country Rank and book chapters in publishers such as Tirant lo Blanch, McGraw-Hill, Gedisa, Tecnos or Pirámide among others.

Lara Martin-Vicario, Pompeu Fabra University

PhD student in Communication and member of the MEDIUM and CAS research group at Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF). Graduate in Advertising and Public Relations (UPF, 2017), Post-graduate in Digital Marketing (ESIC, 2017) and M.A. in Social Communication Research (UPF, 2019). With more than 5 years of experience in the health and food sector in marketing departments, she is currently an associate professor in the Department of Communication at UPF.


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How to Cite

Bustos Díaz, J., & Martin-Vicario, L. (2024). Media literacy in a hyperconnected world: from social networks to Artificial Intelligence. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–17.

