Application of the service-learning methodology in the university environment




Service-Learning, Educational innovation, Teaching, Institutionalization, Methodology, Service-LearningTeaching, University


Introduction: The Service-Learning methodology promotes the comprehensive development of the student, strengthens professional competencies and civic engagement, optimizes teaching, and links the university with the community, aligning with the EHEA and the SDGs. Methodology: With the main objective of fostering meaningful learning and civic engagement among students by addressing real challenges in the community through the planning, implementation, and reflection on service projects that generate a positive impact both on students and the community, the Service-Learning methodology is used in two university courses at the International University of Valencia. Results: Five projects have been created following the Service-Learning methodology, and in the Educational Research course, 100% of the students have passed with 67.85% scoring above 7. Discussions: Authors like Hovey (2011) emphasize the importance of the real context in Service-Learning for the consolidation of learning, also reflecting that a positive impact on the community generates more meaningful learning. Conclusions: Service-Learning promotes civic engagement by involving students in projects that address real needs of the school community.



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Author Biographies

Lucia Granados Alós, Valencian International University

PhD in Educational Research from the University of Alicante. PDI of the International University of Valencia. Director of the Master's Degree in Psychopedagogy and Principal Researcher of the Research Group on Childhood, Violence, Family and Education-IviiEF. Senior Lecturer at the University. Her line of research focuses mainly on Burnout Syndrome in teachers and its relationship with self-efficacy, emotional intelligence and generativity. Her work is reflected in the authorship of 32 articles, 7 of them indexed in JCR (2 Q1, 5 Q2 and 1 Q3), and 3 in the Emerging Source Citation Index (ESCI) of the Web of Science) and co-author of 25 book chapters in First Quartile publishers (Octaedro, Dykinson, Pirámide).

Belén Catalán-Gregori, Valencian International University

Psychopedagogue and PhD student in Sociology of Higher Education at the University of Valencia. PDI of the International University of Valencia, as a teacher of the Master's Degree in Psychopedagogy and the Bachelor's Degree in Pedagogy. She is also coordinator of the Master's Degree in Psychopedagogy and member of the Research Group on Childhood, Violence, Family and Education-IviiEF of the International University of Valencia, and of the Research Group on School Health and Welfare (GISBE) of the University of Valencia. She is currently participating in the Kairos project [PID2021-126846NA-100/AEI/10.13039/501100011033], among others. Her line of research mainly deals with issues related to psychopedagogy, chronotype and its relationship with student learning.


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How to Cite

Granados Alós, L., & Catalán-Gregori, B. (2025). Application of the service-learning methodology in the university environment. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–18.



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