The STEM Approach in Educational Innovation: A Look at Teachers' Didactic Dispositions




Basic education, education innovation, STEM, Education activities, science teaching, didactic proposals


Introduction: This study focuses on analyzing the production of educational innovation through the discourses of teachers from public institutions in Medellín, who were winners of the SER MEJOR awards and the advanced diagnosis SER+STEM. Additionally, this contrasts with the normative guidelines proposed in the Municipal Development Plan (PDM) and the educational approach outlined for the city. Methodology: The research employs a qualitative and documentary approach, using analysis sheets and semi-structured interviews to collect information. Systematization is carried out through a matrix that links the data with specific analytical categories, allowing the information to be grouped according to themes and recurrences. Results: The analysis of the teachers' discourse showed the connection between the strategies used in the classroom and the necessary mediations and didactic adaptations for educational innovation. Discussion: Among the main findings, it stands out that teachers were key to maintaining students' interest, although this achievement was not linked to a specific methodology or the adaptation of physical space. Conclusions: There is a need to adapt teaching practices to the cultural, historical, and social context, highlighting the importance of generating questions, promoting dialogue, and creating environments of trust between teachers and students.


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Author Biographies

Adriana Maria Soto Zuluaga, Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano

She holds a PhD in Education from the University of Antioquia, a Master's degree in Sciences - Chemistry from the National University of Colombia, and a degree in Biology and Chemistry from the University of Antioquia. She has teaching experience in primary, secondary, undergraduate, and graduate levels. She has held administrative positions such as coordinator of the Master's degree in Sciences: Innovation in Education at the Faculty of Exact and Applied Sciences of the Metropolitan Technological Institute of Medellín. Her research focuses on the development and advice of projects related to educational processes concerning the teaching and learning of natural sciences in terms of pedagogy, education, didactics, and curriculum, with the aim of contributing to the transformation of pedagogical practice.

María de la Mar Bustamante Rodríguez, Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano (ITM)

Master in Education from the University of Antioquia, PhD Candidate in Complex Thought at the Edgar Morin Multiversity. She has teaching experience in the areas of communication, didactics, and creative thinking. Currently, she serves as the leader of the Master's Program in Science: Innovation in Education at the Faculty of Exact and Applied Sciences of the Metropolitan Technological Institute of Medellín. Her research experience has focused on pedagogical communication, teaching mediated by artistic expressions, educational innovation, creative thinking, and discourse analysis.



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How to Cite

Soto Zuluaga, A. M., & Bustamante Rodríguez, M. de la M. (2025). The STEM Approach in Educational Innovation: A Look at Teachers’ Didactic Dispositions. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–17.


