Analysis of technological resources integration in Spanish Secondary Education




technology, secondary education, educational innovation, teaching challenges, communication, creation, information management, educational resources


Introduction: The incorporation of technology in Spanish high school classrooms has a profound impact on the structures of active methodologies. It is necessary to question its limits and possibilities. This work provides relevant data on the use of technology in secondary education centers and identifies influential tentative variables in the implementation and uses of technology. Methodology: A longitudinal study based on a specific questionnaire about its use observed by students of the Master's Degree in Teaching at UDIMA in the period 2019-2023 has been conducted, analyzing over 2000 records; a descriptive statistical analysis and a study of the influence of variables have been carried out: specialty; type of center; observed subject; Years of experience, age, and training of the responsible classroom tutor; type of educational space used; active methodologies employed. Results: The main result highlights the use of technology for communication, with the greatest differences observed based on the analyzed subject. In the other variables analyzed, the differences found are much smaller. Discussions and Conclusions: The results allow for identifying variables to act upon and to support a critical analysis of the educational system regarding the use of technology.


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Author Biographies

José Ignacio Jiménez Ortega, Universidad a Distancia de Madrid

Professor at UDIMA and at the Caldeiro Foundation School. Graduate in Physics from the Complutense University of Madrid. Specialist in Educational Center Management from the University of Comillas. Specialist in Project Management from the International University of La Rioja. He has been a high school director and Coordinating Director of the Claret School in Madrid.

David Lizcano Casas, Universidad a Distancia de Madrid

Vice-rector for Research and Doctoral Studies at UDIMA. PhD in Computer Engineering. Polytechnic University of Madrid. Computer Engineer. Polytechnic University of Madrid.

Julián Roa González, Universidad a Distancia de Madrid

Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences and Education at UDIMA. PhD in Education from the UCM. Master's degree in Advanced Studies in Pedagogy from the UCM. Graduate in Audiovisual Engineering from the UEM. Technical Telecommunications Engineer specializing in Sound and Image from the UPM. Diploma in Primary Education from the UAM.


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How to Cite

Jiménez Ortega, J. I., Lizcano Casas, D., & Roa González, J. (2025). Analysis of technological resources integration in Spanish Secondary Education. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–20.



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