Spontaneous evocation and in-depth interview for studying: An approach to the Social representations of teacher-student communication in higher education





Teacher-student communication, Social representations, Higher education, Spontaneous evocation, Interview, Academic capitalism, Processual approach, Teacher role


Introduction: This research investigates the social representations of communication between teachers and students in higher education in Chile, contextualized within a successful education industry that is market-driven and regulated by accreditation processes. Methodology: A mixed-methods approach, incorporating spontaneous evocation and in-depth interviews, was employed to explore the social representations held by higher education teachers regarding their communication with students. Results: Three distinct types of communication were identified: paternalistic, academic, and those associated with training and experience. Additionally, the study highlights a perceived lack of clear institutional guidelines on the expected type of communication. Discussion: The importance of understanding communication in a context of competitiveness and performance in higher education institutions emerges given that research reveals a diversity of social representations perceived as mediated and derived from the educational model. Conclusions: While this study advances the understanding of relational dynamics stemming from teacher-student communication, future research should incorporate the students' perspectives to comprehensively address the representations and factors mediating their interactions.


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Author Biographies

Bárbara Klett Aparicio, University of La Frontera

PhD in Communication from the Universidad de la Frontera and double degree from the University of Seville, Master in Human Development from the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities of the Universidad Austral de Chile and Post Master in Entrepreneurship and Innovation at the University of Seville, Spain (EU credits). Diploma in Master in Education and Experiential Learning, University of Antioquia and ISSE of Medellín, Colombia. Currently, she is dedicated to teacher training and its links with students.

Carola Neira-Mellado, Austral University of Chile

PhD in Communication, Universidad de la Frontera, Chile-Universidad Austral de Chile, Chile. M.A. Communication Studies, The University of Kansas. Journalist, Universidad de Concepción. Currently, she works on research projects on media in Chile, focused on environmental issues.


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How to Cite

Klett Aparicio, B., & Neira-Mellado, C. (2025). Spontaneous evocation and in-depth interview for studying: An approach to the Social representations of teacher-student communication in higher education. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–19. https://doi.org/10.31637/epsir-2025-1299


