Dialogic evaluation of reading comprehension and textual production about science in Sociology students





dialogic, Assessment, Sociology, comprehension, writing, reading, science, Students


 Introduction: Colombia's low results in reading comprehension in the PISA tests can be identified as a problem. The objective was the validation of a reading comprehension and textual production rubric, applied between 2019-2021, which served as support for a new application in 2023, with Sociology students at the Popular University of Cesar (UPC). Methodology: 11 students were chosen from research subject 1, to which an exercise of understanding an article on the scientific method was applied; 17 students from the Grade 1 Work Seminar subject evaluated the 11, with support in the rubric, and researcher triangulation was carried out for each of the 11 students; Then, a research seed group, made up of three Grade 2 Work Seminar students, analyzed the information.  Results: There is a low level of reading comprehension and textual production, very similar to previous studies. Discussion: The work leaves out the factors associated with these results. Conclusions: A new study is required in a similar population with another teacher to validate the results for Sociology students.


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Author Biographies

Miguel Chajin Florez, Popular University of Cesar

Sociologist, Specialist in Pedagogy for the development of autonomous learning, Master in Social Development Project, PhD in Economics and Administrative Sciences, with post-doctorates in curriculum and didactics of research; leader of the Dialogic Potentiality Research Group, Category A in MINCIENCIAS; director of REDECIENCIAS; author and/or of more than 10 research books, teacher in undergraduate, master's, doctoral and post-doctoral programs in Colombia and Mexico.

Stefany López-Villalba, Popular University of Cesar

Professional in International Trade, Master in International Business, PhD Candidate in Administration. Member of the FACEUPC Research Group, Category A MINCIENCIAS; tutor of the Productivity and Competitiveness Management research group attached to the International Trade program, Universidad Popular del Cesar. Researcher and co-investigator in funded research projects.

Mayra Alejandra Becerra Padilla, Popular University of Cesar

Sociology student. Ninth semester. Assigned to the research group of reading comprehension and scientific writing.

Juan Pablo Rodríguez Recio, Popular University of Cesar

Sociology student. Ninth semester. Assigned to the research group of reading comprehension and scientific writing.


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How to Cite

Chajin Florez, M., López-Villalba, S., Becerra Padilla, M. A., & Rodríguez Recio, J. P. (2024). Dialogic evaluation of reading comprehension and textual production about science in Sociology students. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–19. https://doi.org/10.31637/epsir-2024-1309

