Emotions for peace with children from the performing arts in the Doncello (Caquetá)





Childhood, Emotions, Peace, Performing arts, Theatre of the Oppressed, Research - Creation


Introduction: Emotional education for peace with children requires methodologies that go beyond associating emotions with colors. This study explores the use of performing arts, such as puppetry, body movement, and dramatic play, to reflect on everyday conflict situations and offer tools to manage the emotions they generate. Methodology: The methodology combined research-creation with techniques from the Theatre of the Oppressed, creating fictional spaces where children and adults could explore their emotions and propose peaceful alternatives to conflict situations. Results: Three key emotions in the construction of peace were identified: sadness, anger, and empathy. The "Títiriforos" and "Títirientrevistas" sessions allowed participants to reflect on their emotions, improve emotional management, and foster meaningful dialogue. These activities were especially useful in communities affected by armed conflict, such as in Doncello, Caquetá. Discussion:  The study highlights that performing arts, integrated with play and imagination, are effective tools for addressing complex topics such as emotions and peace, allowing for the reconsideration and questioning of violent cultural ideas. Conclusions: Performing arts are highly effective for addressing emotions and promoting peace, improving emotional management, and fostering constructive dialogue in conflict contexts.


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Author Biographies

Diana Patricia Huertas Ruiz, Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Professor in the Bachelor's Degree in Performing Arts and Master's Degree in Art, Education and Culture. She is a researcher and teacher focused on pedagogies and didactics of the arts in early childhood and the training of educators in Performing Arts. As leader of the Rayuela Research Group, her work focuses on research, creation and education, addressing issues such as corporeality, emotions, peace and subjective constructions in childhood. In addition, she specialises in innovative techniques of puppet construction and object animation, promoting reflection and re-signification of pedagogical and artistic practices.

César Andrés Falla Sánchez, National Pedagogic University

Researcher and university teacher. Master in Performing Arts from the Academia Superior de Artes de Bogotá. Faculty of Arts of the Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas (ASAB) and Interdisciplinary Master in Theatre and Living Arts of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Doctorate in Education and Environmental Culture at the Universidad Surcolombiana. He stands out for his focus on artistic and pedagogical proposals that promote dialogue, awareness of social values and creative conflict resolution. Currently, she leads research in the group ‘Rayuela’ and the seedbed ‘Teatro del oprimido para infancias sabrosas’ (Theatre of the oppressed for tasty childhoods), as well as teaching in the Bachelor's Degree in Early Childhood Education at the Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas.



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How to Cite

Huertas Ruiz, D. P., & Falla Sánchez, C. A. (2025). Emotions for peace with children from the performing arts in the Doncello (Caquetá). European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–21. https://doi.org/10.31637/epsir-2025-1315



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