Practicing the truth without violence: dialogue with Nietzsche




truth, Nietzsche, conflict, non-violence, interaction, truth as a shared practice, reality, perspectivism


Introduction: This study aims to offer an original interpretation of certain Nietzsche’s texts by reading them with the perspective of favouring the dissolution of the dynamics of conflict. This research is part of a broader course of study of Nietzsche's thought for a doctoral thesis at the University of Malaga. Methodology: Comparing and analysing the chosen texts. Results:  Nietzsche's thought has often been misunderstood, valued above all for its most controversial aspects, while this paper demonstrates that Nietzsche proposes an idea of truth as a shared practice very different from that of truth as will to power, for which Nietzsche is known. The article offers some useful suggestions for respectful, constructive and peaceful interaction. Discussion: The interpretation of Nietzsche is quite controversial: many interpreters prefer to simply sustain the dominant perception of him as the theorist of the doctrine of the will to power. However, this paper challenges this common image. Conclusions: To propose an unprecedented image of Nietzsche, as a thinker who anticipates the methodological approach of other disciplines (e.g., psychology) in the implementation of respectful, peaceful and pluralistic relational exchanges.


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Author Biography

Filomena Adda, University of Malaga

Filomena Adda graduated from university in Trieste (Italy) with honours. Her main interests were Nietzsche's philosophy, perspectivism, weak thought, philosophical hermeneutics and postmodernism in general. Her first publications were on Walter Benjamin and Friedrich Nietzsche. She is currently working on a PhD project at the University of Malaga. This is a project on philosophical hermeneutics that compares ideas about time among the ancients and among some contemporary philosophers.


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How to Cite

Adda, F. (2025). Practicing the truth without violence: dialogue with Nietzsche. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–14.



Humanism and Social Sciences