Knowledge management applied to the hydraulic sector in the 21st century




Artificial intelligence (AI), Productivity, Innovation, Data science and analytics, knowledge management, Technologies, water resources, water


Introduction: Water is a vital but finite resource due to population growth, urbanization, climate change and pollution. Water management is crucial for the future of humanity, and knowledge management (KM) can be a powerful tool to improve it. Methodology: An investigation is proposed to provide new guidelines for methodologies, protocols and technologies for water management in the public and institutional sectors. Public and institutional policies, infrastructure, personnel and their skills, and benefits for communities and institutions will be analyzed. The search will be carried out in scientific dissemination databases between 2002 and 2024, using analytical, deduction-induction and historical-comparative methods. Results: GC has become a fundamental tool for the hydraulic sector in the 21st century, improving decision making, efficiency, productivity, innovation and collaboration. Discussion: There are still challenges to the effective application of KM in all regions of the world. It is necessary to strengthen the capacities of water professionals in matters of GC and guarantee access to information and technological advances. Conclusions: GC is essential for water management in the 21st century. The proposed research will contribute to improving water management practices in the public and institutional sectors.


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Author Biographies

Evelisy Linares Rodríguez, Universidad de Ciencias Pedagogicas "Enrique Jose Varona"

Associate Professor at the Enrique José Varona University of Pedagogical Sciences. Bachelor's degree in Education, specializing in Physics (University of Pedagogical Sciences). Postgraduate degree in Neuroscience and Neuroeducation (Complutense University of Madrid).

Enmanuel Linares Rodríguez, Universidad de Ciencias Pedagógicas Enrique José Varona

Recent graduate of the "Enrique José Varona" Pedagogical Sciences University.

Manuel Paulino Linares Herrera, University of Havana

Aerosurveying Engineer, journalist, and Master in Communication Sciences. With a strong background in publishing, he has participated in various projects related to scientific and technical communication, as well as specialized editing. He has published in numerous specialized journals and newspapers, employing a diverse range of discursive formats including press releases, articles, reports, analyses, scientific papers, monographs, and book chapters. He has delivered courses, workshops, and conferences on related topics. As an editor, he has overseen the publication of two specialized books. He is a member of the Cuban Society of Information Sciences (SOCICT) and the Cuban Association of Social Communicators (ACSS). He is a professor of Management and Language at the Faculty of Communication of the University of Havana and serves as Editor-in-Chief of the journal Anales de la Academia de Ciencias de Cuba. Additionally, he is a methodological advisor for serial publications and a member of the scientific committee for publications such as Vivat Academia, the SEECCI journal of the Spanish Society of Ibero-American Communication, and journals from Peru and Mexico.


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How to Cite

Linares Rodríguez, E., Linares Rodríguez, E., & Linares Herrera, M. P. (2025). Knowledge management applied to the hydraulic sector in the 21st century. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–13.

