ELE teacher training in Portugal: a focus on pedagogical innovation





Spanish as a foreign language, active methodologies, pedagogical evaluation, digital technologies, teacher training in Portugal, pedagogical innovation, teacher profile, student profile


The teaching of Spanish as a foreign language (ELE) in Portugal is experiencing a significant transformation towards innovative pedagogical practices that fit the profile of 21st century students and teachers. In this context, the approach to ELE teacher training based on active methodologies with pedagogical evaluation and digital technologies is investigated. This work presents the results of an action research, in the form of a case study, carried out in the 2021/2022 academic year, with a qualitative-descriptive approach, reflecting on the impact of ELE teacher training during the implementation of innovative pedagogical practices to improve the quality of ELE teaching and learning in Portugal. The results indicate that long-term training had a positive and significant impact on the professional and personal development of ELE teachers in Portugal. Although, at the beginning of the training, most teachers had little experience in the use of active learning strategies, pedagogical evaluation and digital skills. After completing the training, the data revealed a notable improvement in the aforementioned areas and evidenced the effectiveness of the training, which can contribute to the improvement of the teaching and learning of ELE in Portugal.


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Author Biography

Isabel de Lurdes Pereira do Cabo, Polytechnic Institute of Viseu

Degree in Modern Languages and Literatures, variant Portuguese and Spanish Studies (FLUP - 2002), Master in Iberian Studies (UBI - 2010), specialization in Pedagogical Supervision in Language Education (UM - 2016), Master in Educational Sciences - Communication and Educational Technologies (UTAD - 2020), PhD in Spanish: Advanced Research in Language and Literature with the thesis “Active Methodologies with Pedagogical Evaluation and Digital Technologies. -Training ELE students and teachers in Portugal” (USAL - 2024), specialization in School Administration and Organization (IESFAFE - 2024); ELE teacher, in Portugal (since 2001), civil servant at AELC, Lamego and, currently, at ESTGL-IPV.


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How to Cite

Pereira do Cabo, I. de L. (2024). ELE teacher training in Portugal: a focus on pedagogical innovation. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–19. https://doi.org/10.31637/epsir-2024-1331

