Transforming the schoolyard: an intervention model based on artistic strategies




schoolyard, transformation, education, model, plastic and visual arts, architecture, participation, teacher training


Introduction: The transformation of a school playground is a participatory process that involves the whole educational community. It is a project that brings together different fields (architecture, art, physical activity, education, health, nature) where teachers act as generators of change. This study aims to understand the processes used in the transformation of national school playgrounds and to design a model based on artistic strategies. Methodology: The qualitative research approach combines a documentary review of the working methodology of intervention projects in school playgrounds and the study (phases and actions) of the improvement project in Campolongo Primary School in Pontevedra. Results: From the analysis we synthesized some core dimensions to any transformation process that are the basis for designing a guide that directs a framework for action using strategies from the plastic and visual arts. Conclusions: The transformation of the playground is a slow process that is built from the active participation of the educational community and responds to aesthetic, economic, sustainable, environmental and inclusive criteria where artistic activities have a relevant role as instruments of an investigation based on the arts.


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Author Biographies

María Begoña Paz García, University of Vigo

PhD in Fine Arts (Uvigo). Professor hired at the Uvigo, department of plastic expression didactics. For 15 years artistic director of sociocultural projects of artistic-pedagogical humanization of health spaces. She has been principal investigator in 7 research contracts. She has participated in 4 educational innovation projects in 1 as principal investigator. She has participated in 1 national research project. She has a six-year research period. She is currently a member of the decanal team of the Faculty of Education and Sport Sciences at the Uvigo and teaches in the degrees of Early Childhood Education, Primary Education, Fine Arts, Master of Teaching and Master of Research and Innovation in Specific Didactics for Early Childhood and Primary Education.

África Martínez Barreiro, University of Vigo

Architect (UDC) and founding partner (2013) of Taller Abierto, a collective formed by two architects that develops artistic and cultural projects, as well as promoting others where space is the engine of learning. She is an associate professor at the Uvigo in the degree of primary education.

Cristina Varela Casal, University of Vigo

PhD in Fine Arts (Uvigo) and Professional Specialist in Multimedia Production (UPV). Twelve years of professional experience in the field of graphic design and (audio)visual communication. She has participated in 7 national research projects and made 14 JCR and SCOPUS publications and more than 10 book chapters in SPI indexed publications. She has been principal investigator in 5 research contracts related to hospital humanization processes through artistic/pedagogical strategies and in 3 educational innovation projects. She has a six-year research period. She is currently a member of the decanal team of the degree in design (Uvigo) and teaches in the degrees of early childhood education, primary education, fine arts and degree in design.


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How to Cite

Paz García, M. B., Martínez Barreiro, África, & Varela Casal, C. (2025). Transforming the schoolyard: an intervention model based on artistic strategies. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–20.

