Relationship of the Didactic of Plastic Expression with the reality of the classroom: perception of future teachers when taking professional practices in school




Plastic Education, Art Education, Practice, University, School, Primary Education, Didactics, Future teachers


Introduction: Practicum is an essential component in the professional training of future primary teachers. However, there is a lack of studies that review the perception of university students about the relationship of university education in the field of Didactics of Plastic Expression and practice in the classroom. Methodology: The objective was to observe this perception in 120 future teachers (between 20 and 27 years old), through a virtual debate. Results: 89,38% perceive a coherence of the knowledge acquired at the University, 81,25% consider it useful, there is heterogeneity about whether they perceive Plastic as a specific or methodological subject, and positively value artistic training in both classrooms (57,14%), although with aspects that can be improved (42,86%). Discussions: The positive assessment is for the experiential basis of the subject and the aspects that can be improved invite to enrich the practices with didactics. Conclusions: Research should be done in Didactics of Plastic Expression and design action guides for its implementation in school.


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Author Biographies

María Pilar Aparicio Flores, University of Alicante

Assistant Professor at the Department of General Didactics and Specific Didactics of the University of Alicante. She has a PhD in Educational Research, a degree in Primary Education - mention in Therapeutic Pedagogy - and a degree in Plastic Arts and Clothing Styling. Her main line of research is related to the artistic area and its link with psycho-educational variables.

Rosa Pilar Esteve Faubel, University of Alicante

Permanent Professor in the Department of General Didactics and Specific Didactics at the University of Alicante. She holds a PhD in Musicology, a degree in Valencian and Hispanic philology, and is a specialist music teacher. Her main line of study revolves around educational and artistic research, as a result of which she has been involved in the development of several scientific articles, book chapters and contributions to conferences. She is a member of teaching innovation projects and regional, national and European research projects.

Verónica Chust Pérez, University of Alicante

Associate Professor in the Department of General Didactics and Specific Didactics at the University of Alicante. Doctoral candidate, graduated in English philology and postgraduate in didactics of Spanish as a foreign language. She is a career civil servant in the body of secondary school teachers, where she teaches.

Her main line of study revolves around educational and artistic research, as a result of which she has participated in the development of several scientific articles, book chapters and contributions to conferences. She is a member of teaching innovation projects.

José María Esteve Faubel, University of Alicante

University Professor in the Department of General Didactics and Specific Didactics at the University of Alicante. Doctor in Musicology (extraordinary prize) by the University of Alicante. Degree in philosophy and educational sciences, and diploma in teaching EGB. Prior to his full-time incorporation in the University he was a Professor of Music Conservatory. His main line of study revolves around educational and artistic research, as a result of which he has been involved in the development of several scientific articles, book chapters and contributions to conferences. He is a member of teaching innovation projects and regional, national and European research projects.


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How to Cite

Aparicio Flores, M. P., Esteve Faubel, R. P., Chust Pérez, V., & Esteve Faubel, J. M. (2024). Relationship of the Didactic of Plastic Expression with the reality of the classroom: perception of future teachers when taking professional practices in school. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–18.



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