The use of comics in Primary Education for long-term retention of acquired learning




comic, language, socialsciences, image, frame, humor, learning, memory


Introduction: The main objective is to study whether the use of comics improves content learning and retention. Methodology: 66 Primary students between 7 and 8 years old participated in the study. Divided into two groups: control group and experimental group (in this were used frames from the comic). An ad hoc questionnaire was administered at three times t1 prior to the intervention, t2 immediately after it, and t3 two and a half weeks later. Results: Significant differences (p-value <0,001) were found between the control group and the experimental group in t3, the latter obtaining better results. No differences were found between the groups in t1 or t2, the results obtained by both being significantly higher in t2 than in t1. Discussions: Differences have been found in terms of learning retention, with these being more lasting in the group where comics have been worked on. Conclusions: The results indicate that after 2 ½ weeks of teaching the content of Language and Social Sciences, students who have used frames obtain better scores than those who have only used written texts.


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Author Biography

Jorge Carlos Lafuente, University of Oviedo

Bachelor of Science in Physical Activity and Graduate in Primary Education. Physical Education Teacher in public school with 19 years of experience, teaching as a Primary School tutor, Physical Education specialist in Primary and Secondary, and teacher of artistic teachings (subject: anatomy applied to dance). In addition, in relation to Higher Education I have been associate professor in different Universities (University of Burgos, University of León and University of Oviedo). Member of the research group EDAFIDES of the University of Oviedo. In relation to research activity, this has been developed mainly in the area of Body Expression, with special emphasis on aspects related to teaching.


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How to Cite

Lafuente, J. C. (2025). The use of comics in Primary Education for long-term retention of acquired learning. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–16.



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