Experiences of inclusion in teacher educators: the collective hermeneutics and the emergence of associated representations





teacher educators, inclusive education, diversity, autobiography, initial teacher education, practicum, collective hermeneutic, research-training


Introduction: The research addresses the role of practice supervisors in initial teacher training and seeks to understand the representations that these trainers construct about initial teacher training for inclusion from their biographical experiences. Methodology: the research is framed in research-training studies and involves the writing of autobiographical accounts, reflective work sessions based on the accounts of teachers in training and the rewriting of the initial account. Results: it is shown that the dialogic-hermeneutic work of the community of trainers is enriched by the stories of teachers in initial training, recognizing that true inclusion is learned through biographical events. Discussion: it is established that inclusion is constructed as an experiential category, which must be lived and subsequently signified. Conclusion: for practice supervisors, inclusion implies an encounter with the other, requiring an ethical disposition. The use of teacher-in-training narratives promotes deep reflection, resulting in transformations in the being, thinking and doing of the trainers.


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Author Biographies

Roberto Leiva-Contardo, Metropolitan University of Educational Sciences

Professor of Physical Education, Sports and Recreation, Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educación (UMCE). Chile. Master in Social Education and Sociocultural Animation (University of Seville). Doctoral student in Education, Catholic University of Córdoba (Argentina). Areas of research and interest: Practices, Initial Teacher Training and Inclusion, Recreation, Leisure, Sociocultural Animation, Leisure and Motor Activities in Nature. Undergraduate and Postgraduate Academic in the Department of Physical Education, Sports and Recreation (UMCE). Professional Practice Tutor (UMCE). Associate Researcher at the Interuniversity Institute of Educational Research (IESED-Chile).

Mauricio Núñez-Rojas, University of Chile

High school teacher in History and Geography. Master and PhD from Laval University in Quebec, Canada. Academic of the Department of Pedagogical Studies of the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities of the University of Chile. Teacher and researcher in teacher training, didactics, diversity and inclusion and narrative research. Associate Researcher at the Inter-University Institute for Educational Research (IESED-Chile).

Constanza Herrera-Seda, University of Santiago Chile

Psychologist, Master in Social Research and Development, and PhD in Psychology from the Universidad de Concepción, Chile. Academic of the Department of Education, Faculty of Humanities, Universidad de Santiago de Chile. Researcher in Initial and Continuing Teacher Training for Inclusive Education. Undergraduate and graduate teacher in teacher training programs. Associate Researcher at the Inter-University Institute for Educational Research (IESED-Chile) and the Center for Research on Inclusive Education and Diversity (CREID).

Camila Gallego-Concha, Metropolitan University of Educational Sciences

Professor of Physical Education, Sports and Recreation, Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educación (UMCE). Chile. Master in Education, mention in Curriculum (UMCE). Undergraduate academic (UMCE) and (UST) in areas of training in Contact with Nature. Tutor of Professional and Initial Practice (UMCE) and (UST). Researcher in areas associated with Initial Teacher Training and Inclusion, Recreation, Leisure, Sociocultural Animation, Leisure and Motor Activities in Nature. Associated to the Interuniversity Institute of Educational Research (IESED-Chile).


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How to Cite

Leiva-Contardo, R., Núñez-Rojas, M., Herrera-Seda, C., & Gallego-Concha, C. (2025). Experiences of inclusion in teacher educators: the collective hermeneutics and the emergence of associated representations. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–21. https://doi.org/10.31637/epsir-2025-1440


