Transformations in Childhood and Community: A Study of an Alternative Education Project




Alternative education, educational projects, alternative pedagogies, personal and professional development


Introduction: This paper analyzes the impact of a consolidated alternative education project in the Basque Country on the educational development of children, other stakeholders (families or educators), and the community. The theoretical framework situates the characteristics of the Laboragune Learning Space and the alternative education movement. Methodology: The chosen methodology was a case study, using various qualitative tools to gain a detailed understanding of the project's impact. Results: The results highlight how key elements of the project allow for re-signification, deconstruction, and empowerment. The importance of educational co-responsibility and decision-making responsibilities is emphasized, as well as the re-signification of relationships with the community and the city. Discussion and Conclusions: It is concluded that alternative education projects generate significant transformations in the agents interacting with them. This case provides valuable insights into how such projects can create cracks in traditional educational structures and transform the individuals involved.


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Author Biographies

Aitor Garagarza, Universidad del País Vasco.

PhD. from the University of the Basque Country-Euskal Herriko Unibertsiatea. Her thesis focuses on childhood and community development in the context of alternative education. In addition, she has participated in the International University Congress, has also developed research on community development and is part of the faculty of the area of Theory and History of Education, Department of Educational Sciences of the Faculty of Education, Philosophy and Anthropology of the UPV/EHU.


Israel Alonso, University of the Basque Country

Social Educator, Pedagogue, Doctor in Pedagogy (2015). Associate Professor of the Department of Didactics and School Organization in the Degree of Social Education at the University of the Basque Country. He has published more than 70 articles, books and scientific book chapters in different lines of research focused on education and socio-educational action. He has participated in 24 projects and 3 research contracts. In several of them as principal investigator. He is a member of the research group KideON: Socio-educational inclusion (IT1342-19) in the Basque university system. He has directed four doctoral theses, one of them focused on alternative education projects.

Nahia Idoiaga, University of the Basque Country

With a degree in Psychology (2011) and Psychopedagogy (2011), she holds a PhD in Psychology with international mention (2016) from the UPV/EHU. In the field of research, framed in educational psychology and social psychology, she has researched and published impact articles on topics linked to socio-educational inclusion, education, feminism and health. She is also part of several projects, mostly European, working on the inclusion of young people in vulnerable situations. At the teaching level, she is an associate professor in the Department of Developmental Psychology and Education. She is also vice-dean of undergraduate, postgraduate and final projects at the Faculty of Education in Bilbao.


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How to Cite

Garagarza, A., Alonso, I., & Idoiaga, N. (2025). Transformations in Childhood and Community: A Study of an Alternative Education Project. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–17.



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