Science or Arts? Gender gaps in the STEM education space




gender, gaps, STEM, women, science, education, young people, studies


Introduction: The study presented here aims to analyse and compare the presence of women in the educational field in relation to STEM degrees, as well as to investigate the interest of young women in scientific and technlogical subjects. Methodology: A quantitative approach methodology was used, applying a statistical review of secondary sources (SIIU and UCLM); an ad hoc questionnaire was distributed to N=480 young people from Castilla-La Mancha between the ages of 16 and 29. Results: The results show evidence of gender gaps in access and choice of STEM studies. Women opt, in greater proportion, for studies linked to the branches of social sciences, humanities and health sciences. Discussions: The information obtained allows us to explore the positions and interests of young women in addition to the factors that influence their choice of post-compulsory studies. Conclusions: Further research into how gender gaps operate in relation to the development and interest in science is an unavoidable challenge that directly affects the educational system, but in which all agents of socialisation must be present.


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Author Biographies

Beatriz Esteban Ramiro, University of Castilla-La Mancha

Teaching and Research Staff of the Department of Labor Law and Social Work. Associate Professor in the Degree in Social Work. PhD in Law from the University of Castilla-La Mancha. She has a Master's Degree in Research in Applied Psychology (UCLM). Her lines of research focus on the study of gender in its application to social problems, the analysis of inequality and social policies and professional competencies in social work.

Roberto Moreno López, University of Castilla-La Mancha

Teaching and Research Staff of the Department of Pedagogy. Associate Professor. Degree in Social Education. Vice-Dean of Research and Students at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Information Technologies of Talavera de la Reina. PhD in Education, Arts and Humanities from the University of Castilla-La Mancha. He has a Master's Degree in Applied Psychology Research (UCLM). His main lines of research deal with hate crimes; socio-labor inclusion and transitions to employment of people at social risk, especially young people; and professional skills and professionalization of Social Education.

Rosa M.ª Marí Ytarte, University of Castilla-La Mancha

Professor in the Department of Pedagogy. Degree in Social Education. Degree in Philosophy and Educational Sciences and PhD in Pedagogy from the UB. Master in Art, Literature and Contemporary Culture, UOC. Member of the research group GIES, Education and Society of the UCLM. She teaches “Interculturality and education”, “ASC, culture, environmental education” and “Education and Gender”. Research in Pedagogy and Social Education, in topics related to social exclusion-integration and educational practices in areas such as interculturality, feminism, culture and education.


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How to Cite

Esteban Ramiro, B., Moreno López, R., & Marí Ytarte, R. M. (2024). Science or Arts? Gender gaps in the STEM education space. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–20.



Research articles