Talk it: Tutorial support and mental health in higher education students




Tutorships, Tutorial support, Mental Health, University, Active listening, Depression, Risk behaviors, Suicide


Introduction in this article stated that it was born within the framework of the research project where the campaign generated: “Háblalo” for its purposes, as part of the mental health care of the students of the Metropolitan Polytechnic University of Hidalgo. from 2019 to 2023. The methodology used was a longitudinal study with an eight-career program generation cohort that was developed over four years. As a discussion, part of the campaign, all university staff were instructed to be able to listen to students with their various problems, under the assumption that active listening as first psychological help can prevent risky behaviors and attitudes. As a result, the study has shown that listening as a first attention involves providing practical and non-invasive help, in addition to knowing the needs and concerns of the student. Furthermore, its conclusions allow us to visualize new lines of research around tutoring and mental health, as well as the tutoring function as a first psychological help with active listening as a prevention and action tool.



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Author Biography

Jennifer Quiroz Fragoso, Universidad Politécnica Metropolitana de Hidalgo

Metropolitan Polytechnic University of Hidalgo, Research Professor, PhD in Social Sciences Candidate for National Researcher, its main contribution allowed us to thoroughly visualize the tutors' tutorial practice in a university context, through the construction of a gnoseological table of the concept of identity. The gnoseological ordering of the concept of identity occurred when certain authors who developed a concept were studied, which allows these “ideal relations” of an increasingly complicated -concept- and be observed and experienced on the logical operations of the same. , an increasingly ordered process is carried out through “categories”, starting from Aristotle's categorical table, but manifested in a process of questioning, since the concept itself has categories, which show a real or material nature. ; which also allows a methodological contribution, the elaboration of the gnoseological table for the analysis of some of the theoretical conceptions of identity through two axes, the first from Popper's worlds (philosophical, perception and abstraction) and from the axes linguistic, semantic, syntactic and pragmatic, from the physicalist to the ontological, placing each concept found in the different boxes, which represents a theoretical and methodological contribution by using a classification scheme, which allowed it to be applied to each concept and visualize the reductions it makes. to the different axes as well as their shortcomings in their extension, identity was studied, in its subjective construction, to then estimate the importance of the role of sociocultural factors in it. The research pays tribute to central elements of the internal and external sociocultural factors that were constitutive of the identity of the tutors.


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How to Cite

Quiroz Fragoso, J. (2024). Talk it: Tutorial support and mental health in higher education students. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–18.



Research articles