Direct Marketing and the Law on Artificial Intelligence (AI): a new paradig in Communication




Direct Marketing, AI, Databases, GDPR, LIA, Loyalty, Business Ethics, Citizen Security


Introduction: This article tries to analyze the evolution of direct marketing and its adequacy to the legal environment of Artificial Intelligence (AI). For which the analysis of the different meanings of the concept of direct marketing is carried out, the different existing types are defined, specifying its adaptation to the new reality of AI taking into account the ethics and commitment in its use to improve customer relationships.  Methodology: Qualitative based on an exhaustive literature review on direct marketing and artificial intelligence with special emphasis on regulation and data protection. Conclusions: The new consumer is much more demanding and demands commitment, on the part of companies, as an essential axis in their loyalty relationship. The regulation of AI is considered a crucial and essential step to address the ethical, security and economic concerns associated with this technology and thus generate more ethical and better relationships with customers through direct marketing.


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Author Biographies

Pilar Sánchez González, Complutense University of Madrid

Degree in Sociology and Political Science from the Complutense University of Madrid (1986 and 1989). Master in Electronic Commerce, Relational and Direct Marketing by ESIC (2000) and PhD in Business Economics by Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid with Cum Laude mention (2017). Recognized two research periods (Sexenios), 2012-2017 and 2018-2023. With more than 30 years of professional experience in Marketing in national and international companies. Lecturer at the Complutense University of Madrid in the Faculty of Commerce and Tourism, Department of Marketing. He teaches Direct and Relational Marketing and Consumer Behavior in the Official Degree of Commerce and in the Double Degree of Tourism.

María del Carmen Paradinas Márquez, ESIC University

Degree in Law from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (1996). Master's Degree in Human Resources Management and Labor Relations from Universidad Camilo José Cela de Madrid (2016) and PhD in Tourism from Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid with Cum Laude mention (2021). Lawyer with more than 20 years of professional practice. Mediator. Lecturer at ESIC University in the Departments of Humanities and Business Management. She teaches History of Spanish Institutions and various subjects of Law (civil, commercial and labor) in Official Degrees, as well as social and labor relations and conflict management in the Master's Degree in People Management and Organizational Development and in the MBA. Director of the academic department of external internships.


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How to Cite

Sánchez González, P., & Paradinas Márquez, M. del C. (2025). Direct Marketing and the Law on Artificial Intelligence (AI): a new paradig in Communication. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–17.



Research and Artificial Intelligence

Funding data