Sounds that educate: the role of the soundscape in teacher training




soundscape, experimental sciences, music education, interdisciplinarity, interdisciplinary, mixed methodology, listening, teacher training, educational innovation


Introduction: This paper presents results of the research project I+D+i CIAICO/2022/129 of the Generalitat Valenciana: "The soundscape as an interdisciplinary learning context in teacher training: analysis, design and evaluation of educational resources". The main objective of the study was to explore the acoustic environment and the soundscape from both an auditory and a visual perspective, and its application as an interdisciplinary learning context in the initial training of future teachers. Methodology: A quasi-experimental mixed methods approach was adopted, integrating quantitative and qualitative elements in different phases. Students actively participated in the elaboration of an activity notebook, which was validated using the Delphi technique. Results: The results of the study showed that 98.9% of the students evaluated the use of ICT favourably, considering it a motivating and effective tool for learning. Furthermore, 95.4% of the participants were of the opinion that the musical proposals contribute significantly to the acquisition of professional competences.. Conclusions: The results reflect a high level of achievement of the proposed objectives and demonstrate the effectiveness of the resource used to improve auditory perception and musical listening. This suggests that the strategies implemented are valuable didactic tools in these fields.


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Author Biographies

Ana María Botella Nicolás, Universitat de València

Professor of the Department of Didactics of Physical, Artistic and Music Education of the Faculty of Education of the University of Valencia. Doctor in Pedagogy by the University of Valencia. Graduate in Musicology and teacher in Musical Education, by the University of Oviedo. She is the author of more than a hundred publications in her area of specialization, music didactics. A selection is available in her profile in the networksás or in her web page Director of the research group iMUSED (Investigating Music Education GIUV2020-483). Her main lines of research are the didactics of listening, innovation and interdisciplinarity in teacher training and the renewal of teaching methodologies.

Amparo Hurtado Soler, University of Valencia

Permanent Professor of the Department of Didactics of Experimental and Social Sciences of the Faculty of Education of the University of Valencia. PhD in Biology from the University of Valencia. She is the author of numerous publications in her area of specialization, didactics of experimental sciences, including articles in international peer-reviewed academic journals. A selection of publications is available at She is a member of the iMUSED research group (GIUV2020-483) and co-directs the consolidated innovation group PaisoL'Hort (GCID23_2591227). Her main lines of research are landscape didactics, innovation and interdisciplinarity in teacher training and the renewal of teaching methodologies.

Guillem Escorihuela Carbonell, University of Valencia

D. in Didactics of Music from the Universitat de València and a degree from the Conservatorio Superior de Música Joaquín Rodrigo de Valencia. He is Assistant Professor at the Department of Didactics of Physical, Artistic and Music Education of the Faculty of Teaching at the University of Valencia.
Magisteri of the Universitat de València. He belongs to the research group iMUSED (Investigating Music Education GIUV2020-483) and to the consolidated innovation group: El Paisatge Sonor i l'Hort Ecodidàctic com a context d'aprenentatge en la formació del professorat (PaisoL'Hort-GCID23_2591227). He currently serves as director of the Aula de Música of the Universitat de València.


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How to Cite

Botella Nicolás, A. M., Hurtado Soler, A., & Escorihuela Carbonell, G. (2025). Sounds that educate: the role of the soundscape in teacher training. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–12.

