Evolution of gender stereotypes in the internal communication processes of companies





companies, internal communication, gender stereotypes, business reputation, communication processes, artificial intelligence, handling, messages


Introduction: In a global and changing world in real time, company communication processes have become essential for safeguarding the good name of business organizations. It is inevitable that these communication processes form proforma areas of messages in an attempt to catch trends and to preserve a reputation at clear risk of manipulation, now increased with the arrival of Artificial Intelligence. Among the stereotypes that are dealt with, that of gender equality is necessarily among those to take into account and take care of from the point of view of the message. Therefore, its detection, analysis and elimination of differences concerns society as a whole and, therefore, business organizations. Objective: The main objective of this research work is to know how companies perceive gender stereotypes. Methodology: As is usual, practical and accurate as far as possible in social sciences, we advance holding onto a qualitative methodology based on conducting in-depth interviews with people management executives, in order to analyze communication habits and their greater or less subjectivity regarding the gender of sender and receiver. Conclusions: The conclusions presented must necessarily be purposeful with the clear objective of contributing to alleviating unnecessary biases.


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Author Biographies

Cristina Paredes Serrano, Complutense University of Madrid

D. from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid with the thesis Concurso y liquidación de sociedad mercantiles. She currently teaches at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration. She is a professor in the Department of Commercial, Financial and Tax Law. She has published numerous articles in indexed journals and has participated in national and international conferences on communication, leadership and management. With a solid experience in academic training, she has guided numerous students in their master's theses and doctoral dissertations.

Sheila Liberal Ormaechea, Francisco de Vitoria University

Degree in Advertising and Public Relations from the University of Navarra and PhD in Advertising from the Complutense University of Madrid. Her areas of specialization are the study of the structure of the advertising system as well as research on consumer behavior. She has several publications, both in scientific journals and specialized manuals, on teaching-learning methodologies and teaching innovation. She is the author of several papers and articles on the luxury sector, new consumer phenomena and consumer perception of products and brands in this sector. She is currently Professor and Vice-Dean of Research in the Faculty of Communication at the Francisco de Vitoria University.

Eduardo Gismera Tierno, Comillas Pontifical University

Assistant collaborator at the Universidad Pontificia Comillas, specializing in strategic communication and leadership. With more than 20 years of experience in business management, he has worked in multinationals and consulting firms. With a PhD in Business Competitiveness and Innovation, and a degree in Law, he has been director of human resources and corporate social responsibility. He currently teaches courses on business ethics and leadership, and has published in the areas of financial ethics, sustainability and human resources. He is a lecturer and writer with several published novels.


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How to Cite

Paredes Serrano, C., Liberal Ormaechea, S., & Gismera Tierno, E. (2024). Evolution of gender stereotypes in the internal communication processes of companies. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–16. https://doi.org/10.31637/epsir-2024-1543



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