Quality of Work Life in healthcare staff in Ecuador public hospitals





quality of life, work, Human Resources, job satisfaction, work environment, health services, health staff, ;occupational health


Introduction: The study analyzes the quality of work life (CVL) among healthcare personnel in public hospitals in southern Ecuador, considering the potentially unfavorable characteristics of their work environment. Methodology: This descriptive, cross-sectional analytical study was conducted with a sample of 638 healthcare workers, selected through simple probabilistic sampling. CVL was assessed using the brief version of the CVT-GOHISALO questionnaire. Results: The perception of CVL was 7.84 ± 2.18, indicating a low perception in contrast to the theoretical average; in the analysis by levels, low CVL predominated in 54.7%. Significant differences were identified based on educational level, role performed, and level of public service. Discussions: The results of the CVL measurement differ from international findings, although they align with results from countries with conditions like Ecuador. The associated factors are like those found in other studies. Conclusions: The global perception of CVL among healthcare personnel in public hospitals in southern Ecuador is low, and it is associated with work and educational variables in four dimensions.


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Author Biographies

Xavier Astudillo-Romero, Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja

Master in Health Management for Local Development, Specialist in Family Medicine, Diploma in Local Development, Doctor in Medicine and Surgery. Physician with experience in primary care and hospital care, emergency medicine and teaching in higher education.

Cristina Elisabeth Urgilés-Barahona, Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja

Master in Health Research, Bachelor in Nursing. Lecturer in undergraduate and graduate higher education. Responsible for Degree Units in health careers. Nurse with experience in primary care, hospital care and management functions.

Daniela Alejandra Briceño-Rodríguez, Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja

Nursing student

Daniela del Carmen Vélez-Díaz, Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja

Clinical Psychology student


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How to Cite

Astudillo-Romero, X., Urgilés-Barahona, C. E., Briceño-Rodríguez, D. A., & Vélez-Díaz, D. del C. (2024). Quality of Work Life in healthcare staff in Ecuador public hospitals. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–14. https://doi.org/10.31637/epsir-2025-1607


