Contribution of strategic foresight to the treatment of stakeholders in public universities




stakeholders, strategic foresight, Savage model, actors' game, public universities, University of the Armed Forces ESPE, improvement strategies, higher education


Introduction: Stakeholders in an organization influence its operations and are affected by its activities. Analyzing these groups is crucial in business planning and auditing, especially for higher education institutions aiming to improve their growth, sustainability, and acceptance indicators. Methodology: This research applies a strategic planning model based on the actor game for the University of the Armed Forces ESPE, grounded in a prior diagnosis. An analysis of the actors is conducted and, using the Savage and others model, the actor approach is harmonized with the prospective technique. The objective is to identify key actors that influence the institution and develop strategies to strengthen ties with stakeholder groups. Results: It was identified that the institution has a solid and adequate organizational structure. Discussions: The stakeholder rating matrix and their placement in the Savage and others’ quadrants reveal that the university has multiple actors providing essential support for its growth and continuous improvement. Conclusions: The application of the Savage and others model allowed the identification of key actors whose support is essential for the sustainability and competitiveness of the university.


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Author Biographies

Sandra Patricia Galarza Torres, Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE

PhD in Management Sciences, Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Full-time tenured research professor, and of the Doctorate Program in Administration of the University. Former Senior Faculty Representative to the Honorable University Council, former institutional advisor. Researcher in leadership, social responsibility, organizational culture, gender and financial performance. Author and co-author of research articles indexed in national and international journals. She is a member of the Network of Women Scientists of Ecuador. She has participated as evaluator in the CES of PhD programs. She has received the Scientific Recognition granted by the Universidad Católica Santiago de Guayaquil and the Universidad Iberoamericana del Ecuador.

Lorenzo Adalid Armijos Robles, Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE

D. in Management Sciences from the Universidad Nacional de la Plata (Argentina), Senior Lecturer I of the Department of Economic, Administrative and Commercial Sciences of the Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE, since 2005. He was a professor at the Faculty of Economics of the Universidad Central del Ecuador (2002-2013) and at the Universidad Internacional del Ecuador (UIDE) for several years. Professional degrees: Odessa State University. He is an engineer and economist. Postgraduate studies: Specialist in Technology and Environmental Management (National Polytechnic School), Executive Master in Technology and Environmental Management, by the School of Industrial Organization of Spain (EOI). Author and co-author of several articles. Currently: General Editor of the digital magazine of the University: TAMBARA.

Nelson Euclides García Osorio, Central University of Ecuador

Economist (Universidad Central del Ecuador), Higher Diploma in International Relations, mention in Economics and Finance (Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar) and Master in International Relations, mention in International Political Economy (Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar). Professor at the following universities: Fuerzas Armadas ESPE and Universidad Central del Ecuador. Recognition from the College of Economists of Pichicha for having completed twenty-five years of professional practice in the service of the great interests and objectives of the country. Author of the books: Evolution of private banking after the financial crisis (2016), La política petrolera el gobierno de la revolución ciudadana ( 2022) and co-author of Formulación y evaluación de proyectos ( 2020). He is also author of several articles published in indexed journals.

Jaime Luis Cadena Echeverría, National Polytechnic School

Technologist in Electromechanics, Engineer in Process Management and Master in Industrial Engineering (EPN), International Diploma in teaching skills Tec. de Monterrey Cambridge. Executive Programs: Management of Incubators, Accelerators and Entrepreneurial Development Centers and Professor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation (University of Salamanca - Spain). Coordinator of the Quality Assurance Area, Director of the Support Unit for the Entrepreneurial Polytechnic (EPN), Advisor in the Excellence Project for Ecuadorian Universities. SENESCYT, Member of the Research Council, Coordinator of the Innovation and Technology Transfer Unit (EPN), Assistant Dean, Department Head and Dean of the School of Administrative Sciences; Consultant and lecturer, national and international, in process management, entrepreneurship and innovation.


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How to Cite

Galarza Torres, S. P., Armijos Robles, L. A., García Osorio, N. E., & Cadena Echeverría, J. L. (2024). Contribution of strategic foresight to the treatment of stakeholders in public universities. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–20.

