Educational Gamification as a learning technique in the area of Formal Science




sciences, education, gamification, methodology, learning, pedagogical, strategies, game


Introduction: Currently, the world of knowledge and technology has brought about a recent plenary session in which youth deplore unrest that education cannot always satisfy. Modern environments cause students' tendencies to change, therefore, teachers need to investigate new strategies and resources in classes, in order to increase the motivation or commitment of students. The objectives of our study are based on analyzing and comparing strategies of the educational gamification technique aimed at teaching and learning the subject of mathematical sciences. Methodology: Tools such as Kahoot and Plickers have been used to apply the gamification technique. The ACRA Learning Strategies Scale rated on a Likert scale has been adapted. Results: Through a statistical study, it is determined that a significant increase in learning strategies in students in the referenced subject is found. Discussion: In the T-student test, it is obtained that gamification positively influences the students' learning process. Conclusions: It is corroborated that the aforementioned educational technique is a novel pedagogical technique that mixes the elements of the game to internalize knowledge and thus, learning can be like an enjoyable practice.


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Author Biographies

Virginia Alarcón Martínez, International University of La Rioja

PhD cum laude in Industrial Technologies, Agricultural Engineer, Degree in Civil Engineering and Technical Engineering in Public Works by the UPCT. My multidisciplinary training has allowed me to excel in my professional career, I have managed and developed projects, I have belonged to work teams, and I have demonstrated my leadership skills and cooperative work, as well as being part of national and interdisciplinary work teams in different autonomous communities of Spain. I have participated in five research projects, as well as deepened in research techniques in Experimental Sciences. This has allowed me to undertake pioneering research in Spain and Europe, confirmed by important experts as a result of my doctoral thesis and the results of my subsequent research.

Blanca Tejero Claver, International University of La Rioja

PhD cum laude in Psychology from the University of Salamanca with the specialty of Clinical and Organizational Psychology from the UNED. From September 1999 to September 2016 she has been a member of the faculty of the Faculty of Distance Education (UNED) and since September 2012 she is part of the faculty of the Faculty of Education of the UNIR in the Infant, Primary and Master's Degrees in Special Psychology. She is accredited as a professor hired doctor by the ANECA and holds the position of associate professor at UNIR. I have participated in different groups and research projects, currently in the research group “Cyberpsychology”, and more than 30 publications in the areas of Education and Psychology.


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How to Cite

Alarcón Martínez, V., & Tejero Claver, B. (2025). Educational Gamification as a learning technique in the area of Formal Science. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–17.


