Mobile devices and digital educational resources usage and integration effect in Mathematics with Engineering students




academic performance, mobile devices, digital educational resources, students, covid19, educational processes, digital competencies, technological tools


The use of mobile devices and digital educational resources has had a positive effect on the academic performance of post-pandemic students, within the teaching-learning process, they are an essential tool and their integration in the educational processes are a fundamental part of their learning. Methodology: It was a quantitative, descriptive, observational and retrospective study, since data were collected on the group average of the pre-pandemic and post-pandemic generations. Data collection was done through the collection of the history of the list of the Integral Calculus Learning Unit. Results: For data analysis, the final grades of each of the students were studied, with the following variables: average, passing grades and percentage of passing grades. Discussions: The results were compared with historical data prior to the Covid19 pandemic and after the Covid19 pandemic. Conclusions: The results were compared with historical data prior to the Covid19 pandemic and after the Covid19 pandemic.


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Author Biographies

Francisco Javier Jara Ulloa, Universidad Autónoma de Nayarit

Industrial Chemical Engineer, Bachelor in Educational Mathematics, Master in Educational Sciences and PhD in Educational Innovation and Management. PRODEP Profile 2019 - 2025 and Candidate to the National System of Researchers and Researchers of Conahcyt 2024 - 2027. Member of the Academic Body in Consolidation UAN-CA-314 Educational Technology in Basic Sciences and Engineering. Professor-Researcher of the area of Mathematics of the Academic Program of Mechanical Engineering, Professor and Collaborator of the Master in Public Health (SNP CONAHCYT, REF: 003059) since 2016 both from the Autonomous University of Nayarit. Mexico. Teacher of Mathematics at the Upper Secondary Level since 1998. State Delegate for Nayarit for the Mexican Mathematics Olympiad 2011 - 2021. Member of the national board in Mexico of the Dolphin 2024 Programme.

María Teresa Casillas Alcalá, Universidad Autónoma de Nayarit

Bachelor in Pedagogy, Bachelor in Law, Master in Organizational and Human Development and PhD in Educational Sciences. PRODEP Profile 2020 - 2026. Member of the Academy of Educational Mathematics. Member of the Academic Body in Consolidation UAN-CA-314 Educational Technology in Basic Sciences and Engineering. Professor of the Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics in the educational part of the Higher Level since 2013. Participant in the Reaccreditation of the Academic Programme of the Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics. Professor-Researcher in the area of Educational Mathematics of the Academic Program of Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics at the Autonomous University of Nayarit. Mexico.


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How to Cite

Jara Ulloa, F. J., & Casillas Alcalá, M. T. (2024). Mobile devices and digital educational resources usage and integration effect in Mathematics with Engineering students. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10.


