Differences in the level of digital competence of Spanish adolescents by gender, absenteeism and academic assessment





Analysis of variance, Digital competence, Gender, Absenteeism, Academic assessment, Spanish students, Compulsory Secondary Education, Student’s t test


Introduction: Educational curriculums have been modified to develop students' digital competence. Due to its relevance, the aim of the study was to analyse the differences between the level of digital competence according to gender, absenteeism in the last month and the results of the last assessment in Spanish adolescents. Methodology: 618 students aged 12–16 years completed the Digital Competence Scale and a battery of socio-demographic data. Results: Significant differences were found according to gender, but not in the case of school absences. Regarding academic assessment, significant differences were found between students who had 3 or more failures and those who passed all subjects, as well as those who had 1 or 2 failures. Discussions: Gender differences may be due to the gender digital gap. The lack of significant differences in terms of absenteeism can be because adolescents are digital natives. The results aligning with previous studies in terms of academic assessment may be due to the Spanish curriculum. Conclusions: It calls for reflection on teaching practice and curriculum design to improve digital competence.


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Author Biographies

Andrea Fuster-Rico, Universidad de Alicante

Graduated in Primary Teacher with the mention of Therapeutic Pedagogy by the University of Alicante and with the mention in Hearing and Language by the International University of La Rioja. Master's Degree in Teaching Compulsory Secondary Education, Baccalaureate and Vocational Training with a specialization in Educational Guidance from the University of Alicante. PhD student in Educational Research.

María del Pilar Aparicio-Flores, University of Alicante

Dr. M. del Pilar Aparicio Flores is assistant professor at the Department of General Didactics and Specific Didactics of the University of Alicante. She is a graduate in Primary Education Teacher - mention in Therapeutic Pedagogy - and Superior Technician in Plastic Arts and Clothing Styling. Her main line of research is related to the artistic area and its link with psycho-educational variables.

María Pérez-Marco, University of Alicante

Graduated in Primary Teacher with the mention of Therapeutic Pedagogy by the University of Alicante and with the mention in Hearing and Language by the International University of La Rioja. Master's Degree in Teaching Compulsory Secondary Education, Baccalaureate and Vocational Training with a specialization in Educational Guidance from the University of Alicante. PhD student in Educational Research.

Nuria Antón Ros, University of Alicante

Teacher of Early Childhood Education and Doctor by the University of Alicante in Educational Research (with a grade of outstanding Cum Laude). Currently, she holds the position of Associate Professor in the area of Didactics and School Organization of the Department of Developmental Psychology and Didactics of the Faculty of Education (University of Alicante). She has done predoctoral and postdoctoral stays in two Spanish universities. Her main line of research is hearing impairment and educational inclusion. She is co-author of more than 7 articles and 28 book chapters published in prestigious journals and publishers, and more than 50 contributions to national and international conferences.


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How to Cite

Fuster-Rico, A., Aparicio-Flores, M. del P., Pérez-Marco, M., & Antón Ros, N. (2024). Differences in the level of digital competence of Spanish adolescents by gender, absenteeism and academic assessment. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–14. https://doi.org/10.31637/epsir-2025-301



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