Describing interactivity in alternate reality games through the inter-author concept




alternate reality games, hybridization, interactivity, interauthorship, ludology, media convergence, narratology, transmedia


Introduction: The interactive element in alternate reality games (ARG) is commonly treated as one of the fundamental ingredients of the genre, something that becomes disruptive as soon as the anatomy of the phenomenon is analyzed and in either sense, up to a point. state of excess or complete deficiency. Objectives: The present work aims to scrutinize said casuistry, conceptualizing its peculiarities through a new term, interauthor. Methodology: The methodology used is based on the selection of the defining parameters of interactivity as a concept and is concerned with comparing the interactivity manifested in the ARGs with other analogous forms to evaluate the results of the interactive action, a condition for the foundation of the inter-authorship regime. as a synthesis concept. Discussion: Given such casuistry, it is necessary to use an unprecedented term, capable of capturing its peculiarities and, in the process, inaugurating what could become a possible nominal transformation of the entire genre. Conclusions: The initial hypothesis that posed a casuistry of interactivities within the ARG universe is corroborated and gives rise to a new conceptual and terminological scenario.


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Author Biography

David Ruiz-García, Universidad de Sevilla

David Ruiz-García holds a PhD in Communication from the University of Seville (US). He has taught communication, digital communication and advertising at the San Isidoro University Centre, attached to the Pablo de Olavide University, at the University of Santiago de Compostela and at the University of Seville. His main areas of research are audiovisual creativity, media hybridisation, branded content, audiovisual scripting, video games and hyperfictions, specialising in the study of alternative reality games, on which he has written numerous articles and book chapters. In addition to his academic work, David has been an advertising creative, freelance scriptwriter and professional musician since 2001.


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How to Cite

Ruiz-García, D. (2024). Describing interactivity in alternate reality games through the inter-author concept. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–21.


