Present and future of the rural exodus in Valladolid as covered by the local press


  • Elvira Jensen Casado Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes image/svg+xml
  • Carolina Pascual Pérez Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes image/svg+xml
  • Antonio Vicente Azofra Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes image/svg+xml



rural exodus, empty Spain, depopulation, opinion genres, interpretive genres, Valladolid, media coverage


Introduction: Depopulation has become a critical issue at the national level, highlighted by the integration of the "Depopulation" thematic group into the European Network CAP in February 2023.  Rural areas encompass approximately 85% of the national territory, yet they are home to only about 20% of the population. The local press plays a pivotal role in shaping public opinion on key community issues, such as rural depopulation. Methodology: This work has developed a template that enables the comprehensive analysis of both journalistic elements and linguistic aspects present in each article. Results: A total of 65 texts, encompassing the genres of opinion and interpretation, were analyzed. The treatment of the subject under study, based on the aspects examined, allows for differentiation between the various media outlets covered. Discussion: The analysis reveals whether the media addresses the issue of rural depopulation in a clear and objective manner, and whether they offer thorough analysis and evaluation of the issue. Conclusions: There is a need for improved journalistic coverage of the rural exodus. Magazines specializing in agriculture excel at analyzing the societal impact of the decline in the agricultural and livestock sectors.


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Author Biographies

Elvira Jensen Casado, Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes

PhD in Germanic philology, English section, from the University of Salamanca. Teaching activity at the University of Salamanca, Universidad Católica San Antonio. Stays at SCIC (Translation and Conference Interpreting Centre) of the European Union, Brussels, Belgium, at the John F. Kennedy Institut, Freie Universität, Berlin, Germany and at Chapel Hill University, North Carolina, USA. She has participated in funded research projects such as ‘An Educational Dimension of Conflict Resolution Through Cultural Production’, European Union, Socrates, Minerva Programme (ODL and ICT in Education) or in Erasmus stays at Universitá degli studi della Tuscia in Viterbo, Universitá Lum Jean Monnet in Bari, International School of Management (ISM) in Dortmund or Hochschule Mittweida in Germany.

Carolina Pascual Pérez, Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes

D. in Philosophy and Letters (Hispanic Philology) from the University of Valladolid and has taken postgraduate courses on Contemporary Spanish and Portuguese Literature at Ohio State University in Columbus (USA). He has taught subjects in the field of Spanish language and literature at the University of Valladolid, Iowa State University (USA) and Ohio State University (USA). Since 2002, he has been a member of the teaching staff at the European University Miguel de Cervantes. His main lines of research are the relationship between cinema and literature, and content analysis of opinion genres. She has participated in several research projects funded by different public institutions. She has also published on new teaching methodologies.

Antonio Vicente Azofra, Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes

PhD in Advanced English Studies: Languages and Cultures in Contact: (2018). Currently, and since 2004, Exclusive Associate Professor at the European University Miguel de Cervantes in Valladolid. He also developed his teaching activity at the Escuela Superior de Turismo de Valladolid. He has participated in different research projects such as Historical Architectural Heritage (PARHIS) (2016-Present), Validation and Improvement of Haptic Models of Historical Architectural Heritage through 3D Printing; ‘The rural exodus in the province of Valladolid. Press analysis’, (Ongoing project, December 2023-September 2024). He has also participated in educational innovation projects such as Teaching Respect for Fundamental Rights and Democratic Values in English through Film (2017-2018, 2018-2019 and 2019-2020).


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How to Cite

Jensen Casado, E., Pascual Pérez, C., & Vicente Azofra, A. (2024). Present and future of the rural exodus in Valladolid as covered by the local press. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–18.

