CNN as the axis of immersive journalism inside the informative business




Journalistic enterprise, Immersive journalism, Gamification, Augmented reality, Virtual reality, Mixed reality, Hologram, Metaverse


Abstract: Introduction: This research focuses on the new challenges of immersive journalism through the case of the North American network CNN. The theoretical review provides a new perspective on the current context with the arrival of new trends such as hologram, which are changing the course of global immersion. This, coupled with the socio-economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, has created significant challenges that the news company must overcome. Methodology: Using quantitative content analysis in a practical framework, an approach to CNN has been created to explain better this change in direction.  Results: The results show a change in the paradigm of the use of immersive trendings. Discussions: new trends such as hologram are replacing the first immersive trends. Conclusions: It is concluded that this direction change is due to the accelerated inclusion of new immersive trends, but it also represents a great opportunity for the media business, as they not only have to produce more but also develop content associated with these new trends.



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Author Biography

David José Lavilla Muñoz, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

David José Lavilla Muñoz (Madrid, Spain) holds a degree in Journalism and a PhD in Information Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid. He is currently an accredited professor for the position of 'Contratado Doctor'. As a professional he has worked in RTVE, in the newspaper AS, in different virtual media and in several consulting companies. Academically, he has taught at business schools and universities in Spain and abroad. His lines of research are carried out with public funding -either by the Spanish State or by the CAM- and others with private funding (from companies or universities). All of them revolve around the human being and his interaction with the machine.


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How to Cite

Lavilla Muñoz, D. J., & Sánchez Franco, V. (2024). CNN as the axis of immersive journalism inside the informative business. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–19.


