Foodification in Madrid. Urban, tourist and heritage transformations




urban studies, tourism, heritage, foodification, gentrification, touristification, gastronomy, urban landscape


Introduction: In recent years, spaces specialized in offering food and drink to tourists have proliferated, in many cases emphasizing their authentic character and roots in local gastronomy. These spaces often share common patterns and give rise to transformations in the urban landscape, tourist consumption and heritage, both in architecture and culinary tradition. Methodology: Foodification in the center of Madrid is studied through a quantitative-spatial analysis to determine the signs of the phenomenon and identify representative areas. In addition, a qualitative analysis is carried out to characterize one of the highlighted areas. Results: Foodification is fundamentally occurring in the surroundings of the old markets previously transformed into gourmet gastronomic spaces and in the main axes that connect them with the areas with the greatest tourist influx. Discussion: The analysis shows a specialization of the study area in its gastronomic offer, constituting a representative example of the phenomenon of foodification. Conclusions: Foodification exacerbates the loss of heritage authenticity and the intensification of tourist use of the busiest areas.


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Author Biographies

José Ramón Jiménez-Arévalo, Universidad de Sevilla

José Ramón Jiménez Arévalo is a Geographer from the University of Seville. During his university studies he spent periods at the University of Puerto Rico and at the Complutense University of Madrid. He is an expert in Geographic Information Systems. He is interested in Urban and Tourism Geography. He is currently working in the educational sector. He received the Young Research Award from the Spanish Association of Geography (AGE).

Daniel Barrera-Fernández, Universidad de Sevilla

Daniel Barrera Fernández is an Architect and holds a Master's Degree in Architecture and Historical Heritage from the University of Seville. He holds a PhD from the University of Malaga, his doctoral thesis was awarded the Extraordinary Doctorate Prize. He is Professor at the University of Seville, previously he was Professor at the Universidad Autónoma “Benito Juárez” of Oaxaca and at the University of Guanajuato. His research interests are the study, management and conservation of heritage, urban planning in historic cities, cultural and urban tourism and sustainable mobility. He is coordinator for Latin America of the Association for Tourism and Leisure Education and Research (ATLAS).


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How to Cite

Jiménez-Arévalo, J. R., & Barrera-Fernández, D. (2024). Foodification in Madrid. Urban, tourist and heritage transformations. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–21.



Humanism and Social Sciences