Marketing strategies beyond life: the Upload case




post-mortem marketing, artificial life, marketing strategies, Upload, marketing in cinema, Artificial Intelligence, Black Mirror


Introduction: The series Upload presents a futuristic satire on consumerism, capitalism, and marketing trends in a context of capitalist realism and posthumanism, where a digital version of citizens allows them to extend their existence in a second, artificially recreated life after death. Our study focuses on decoding and contextualizing the elements of the main marketing theories and consumer behavior principles that are reproduced in the cinematic discourse of the series. Methodology: A literature review on marketing and advertising was conducted, from which 21 variables related to marketing axioms or strategies were extracted. Through these variables, the study reflects on post-mortem marketing strategies depicted in Upload using content analysis. Results: The series fulfills 19 out of 21 of the contrasted marketing strategies. Discussions: Traditional and contemporary marketing theories are developed within the narrative framework of the series, suggesting that if the technology enabling this hypothetical second life existed, these strategies could be replicated in reality. Conclusions: A fictitious scenario is proposed that allows developing an application of the proposed post-mortem marketing.


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Author Biographies

Alexandra Sans-Serrano, Universitat Abat Oliba CEU

PhD in Communication from the Abat Oliba CEU University, with a degree in Advertising + PR and Journalism. I am currently a lecturer in Business Management, Marketing and Advertising and Public Relations. My thesis culminated with the proposal of an operational model to calculate the economic performance that a company can obtain through social media. This research was motivated by my professional practice in the field of marketing, where I worked for 11 years in multinational companies, holding positions as Digital Marketing Manager, Communication Manager and Product Manager. An experience that, from its contribution of knowledge of business practice, allows me, in conjunction with the theoretical basis, a broad perspective of reality.

Alfonso Freire-Sánchez, Universitat Abat Oliba CEU

PhD in Communication Sciences (UAO CEU). Best Scientific Article Award at the 2nd FlixOlé-URJC Awards for Research in Spanish Cinema. Winner of the Ángel Herrera Award for Outstanding Teaching (2013-2014). Aggregated and Reader (AQU), with a six-year term recognized by ANECA. He was a member of the research team (2018-2022) for the R&D&I Project ‘Making Pain Visible: Visual Narratives of Illness and Transmedia Storytelling’ (VISIBILIZÁNDOLO). He currently serves as the Director of Advertising and PR Studies at Abat Oliba CEU University. His research findings have been published in Scopus, WoS, and SPI. His primary research themes include mental health narratives in the creative industry, audiovisual imaginaries, and narratology.


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How to Cite

Sans-Serrano, A., & Freire-Sánchez, A. (2024). Marketing strategies beyond life: the Upload case. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–18.

