Teaching Experience in the Context of Higher Education: Identification and Development of Group Values





teaching experience, group values, higher education, educational strategy, compliance standards, professional practice, academic activities, triaxial model of values


Introduction: The acquisition of knowledge and skills is linked to the development of values that support professional practice. This paper defines and tracks the group values selected. Methodology: A qualitative, field-based study focused on teaching experience. Data collection was based on direct observation, meeting logs, and field notes. Results: In each course, five values were selected: initially equity, communication, creativity, pragmatism, and planning; later health-wellbeing, respect, organization, communication, and empathy. Compliance norms were established for each value. In the first selection, three values were from the pragmatic economic axis, and in the second, two. In the emotional and developmental values, the first selection included one, and the second included two. The ethical-social axis remained the same. Discussion: The values workshop allows for reciprocal interaction and participation. The change reflects personal growth and maturity, favoring professional projection. Selection may be influenced by motivations, previous experiences, interests, and personal values. Conclusions: The teaching experience in identifying and developing group values in higher education allowed for the establishment of clear guidelines for coexistence in academic activities.


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Author Biographies

Xinia González Herrera, Universidad de Ciencias Médicas

Master in Nutrition and Sports, University of León, Spain, Graduate in Nutrition from the University of Costa Rica, International Coaching in Integrative Health, Endorsed by the International Association of Coaching, Diabetes Educator, Parner Genovive for the application of Nutrigenetics tests, Inspector of Safety in food manufacturing companies, Safety Verifier in Food Services, university professor since 2013 at UCIMED participating in courses in the line of food and clinical services, and university works. He currently teaches the Food Service Management II course and the Practice in Food Services, a nutritionist at the Linda Vista Educational Center in the clinical and food service part, and has been teaching private practice since 2007.

Karen Ibarra Cuevas, Universidad de Ciencias Médicas

Graduate in Nutrition UCIMED, Costa Rica. Her career began in 2014 as a Nutritionist in private practice and administrator of the Food Laboratory at UCIMED. Certified in topics such as CoachingxValores and LeadershipbyValues ​​by Zinquo in Spain, addressing Eating Disorders by the Nutritional Coaching Institute in Spain, Gastrointestinal Health with an Advanced Functional Approach by the IEMF in Mexico and Psychonutrition by the Institute of Emotional Management, Nutrition and Obesity in Spain. Since 2017, she has worked as a full-time professor for the Nutrition Career, participating in different commissions and social responsibility projects, currently being the Clinical Practice Supervisor. Likewise, he maintains his private practice.


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How to Cite

González Herrera, X., & Ibarra Cuevas, K. (2024). Teaching Experience in the Context of Higher Education: Identification and Development of Group Values. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–14. https://doi.org/10.31637/epsir-2024-432


