Positioning of the artistic discipline of dance in the digital content





new technologies, dance, prosumers, co-creation, platforms, empowerment, hyperactive viewer, social networks


Introduction: The purpose of our study is based on discovering and analyzing the incorporation of new technologies into the processes of production, management and distribution, how the current cultural spectator consumes and behaves, the need to empower the audience and articulate co-creation practices, as well as the positioning of the artistic discipline of dance in the digital content market. Methodology: The methodology used is qualitative, exploratory in nature and responds to the search for a deep understanding of this phenomenon within its environment, as well as the motivations that lead to integrate new technologies to dance. Results: The devices of the virtual world have allowed millions of people to access cultural and artistic content that was previously reserved for theaters, galleries and museums.  It was at that moment that the relationship between the artist and the spectator changed. Discussion: ICTs brought about a new ontological place in this relationship. Conclusions: The relationship was modified in such a way that the arts questioned the transition from spectator to user and from the "work" to the event.


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How to Cite

Aguilera Martín, A., & Martin Martin, P. (2024). Positioning of the artistic discipline of dance in the digital content . European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–17. https://doi.org/10.31637/epsir-2024-434

