Creative processes in artistic installations realized in VR




creative process, virtual reality, augmented reality, mixed rality, artistic installations, artwork, inmersive space, inmaterial


Introduction: The work of art is the result of a creative process by the artist, generally manifested on a physical medium. The evolution of these mediums, from the two-dimensionality of painting to the three-dimensionality of sculpture, has influenced creative processes. Methodology: This analysis is based on reviewing the evolution of artistic mediums and their impact on creative processes, as well as observing current trends in art installations and new immersive technologies such as virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and mixed reality (MR). Results: The emergence of the art installation as a new genre was driven by artists seeking to include the viewer in the artwork through the use of space and time. New immersive technologies have enabled a qualitative leap in art installations, eliminating the need for physicality in the works. Discussion: The integration of immersive technologies in art has transformed the viewer's experience and posed new challenges and opportunities for creative processes. Conclusions: Immersive technologies have revolutionized art installations, requiring an update in creative processes. The evolution of artistic mediums will continue to influence how artists conceptualize and realize their works.


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Author Biographies

Carlos Pesqueira Calvo, Universidad Francisco de Vitoria

PhD in Architecture from the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid, finalist in Aguirre Newman/IAZ International Awards for the Architecture Graduation Project. Guest professor in different workshops and schools of Architecture, he belongs to the research groups on Architectural Processes and Urban Strategies: Occasional Architectures and on Innovation and Image Analysis and has participated in several research projects, international congresses and publications of impact. He teaches Architecture, Design and Fine Arts at the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria, where he is the Editorial Coordinator of the Polytechnic School and a member of the Editorial Committee of the UFV Publishing House.

Lidón Ramos Fabra, Universidad Francisco de Vitoria

D. in Fine Arts from the Complutense University of Madrid, Master in Humanities from the Francisco de Vitoria University and Bachelor of Fine Arts from the Complutense University of Madrid. She currently works at the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria, as a professor in the degrees of Design and Fine Arts and in the Master in Fashion Communication and Marketing. She belongs to the Stable Research Group on Innovation and Image Analysis (IAI) coordinated by Pablo López Raso. Francisco de Vitoria University.


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How to Cite

Pesqueira Calvo, C., & Ramos Fabra, L. (2024). Creative processes in artistic installations realized in VR. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–21.


