Professional identity of social educators based on dialogic training actions with an intergenerational perspective




educational innovation, intergenerational dialogue, employability, social education, discussion, dialogic education, higher education, professional identity


Introduction: The youth unemployment data in Spain is especially serious in Social Education, widening the gap between the university and the development of the profession. The objective of our study is to determine the value for employability of a discussion held at a Spanish university, a training strategy based on the intergenerational dialogue of active professionals, students, teachers and researchers. Methodology: An exploratory-ethnographic study of the event was carried out, triangulating the analysis of the participants' oral discourses and the observation of their interaction. Results: The study, on the one hand, characterizes the current professional identity of the social educator, highlighting the value of soft skills (learning to learn, collaborating and creating international networks). On the other hand, it establishes the scope of this dialogic pedagogy for the social construction of knowledge and community development. Conclusion: This study defines some curricular (soft skills) and pedagogical (dialogical education) elements to design training programs for employability.


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Author Biographies

Sergio Reyes-Angona, Complutense University of Madrid

PhD in Educational Innovation (Tecnológico de Monterrey, 2019) and PhD in Didactic Innovation in the Knowledge Society (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2015). Member of the Mexican National System of Researchers SNI-Level I (2021-2025), with two biannual postdoctoral fellowships, at the Autonomous University of Baja California (2019-2021) and at the University of Lleida (Maria Zambrano Contract, 2022-2024). 15 years as professor and researcher at different universities in Mexico (Tec de Monterrey, Universidad de las Américas-Puebla, Universidad Autónoma de Tlaxcala, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California). Currently, visiting professor at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and collaborator of the Master in Educational Technology at Tec de Monterrey. Line of research: collaborative methodologies and technologies for teacher training.

Carmen Saban Vera, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

She received her PhD in Information Sciences in 1995 and in Pedagogy in 2009, and her PhD in Pedagogy from the UCM. She has developed her research and professional career at an international level, in centers such as UNESCO (Department of Continuing Education), the Faculty of Communication at the University of Canberra (Australia), the Department of Information Technology for Human Development of the Organization of American States (OAS, Washington), CEDEAL (Center for Latin American Studies), and Casa de América, among others. Since 2007, she has been associated with the Faculty of Education in Social Education. Her publications address different fields related to continuing education, continuing training, education for sustainable development, as well as the inclusion of new technologies in education.

Rosa Sobrino Callejo, Complutense University of Madrid

Educator (UCM, 1999), specialized in family therapy (Own Degree UCM, 2006), she obtained her PhD in Education with an Extraordinary Award (UCM, 2016) researching the processes inherent to the teaching and learning of linguistic communication competence and diversity in literacy of the school population. Since 2009, she has combined research with teaching at the Faculty of Education (UCM). The professional fields in which she works are associated with permanent teacher training programs and socio-educational intervention at national and Latin American levels; all of them provide her with ideal research contexts to transfer to the research in which she participates, publishing in the fields of educational innovation, organizational development, curricular sustainability and educational inclusion.


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How to Cite

Reyes-Angona, S., Saban Vera, C., & Sobrino Callejo, R. (2024). Professional identity of social educators based on dialogic training actions with an intergenerational perspective. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–18.



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