Towards a digital pedagogy: Implementation of the socio-formative e-rubric in the training of teachers




professional competences, e-rubric, teaching training, self-assessment, pedagogical innovation, feedback, pre-professional practice;, professional development.


Introduction: Vertiginous global and technological changes are transforming the skills profiles required in teacher training. The impact of a socio-formative analytical e-rubric on the professional competences of future teachers in Peru is assessed.Methodology: It is an applied study of pre-experimental design with pre and post test in a single group. 25 pre-professional teaching students participated. The validity of the instrument was validated by experts and its reliability verified with a Cronbach Alpha of 0,854. Student t tests were used for statistical analysis. Results: Significant improvements were found in all competences evaluated after the e-rubric intervention. The size of the effect was considerable in all dimensions. Discussions: This finding is consistent with previous studies highlighting the effectiveness of electronic headings in providing detailed feedback and promoting self-regulation of learning. Conclusions: The socio-formative analytical e-rubric had a significant impact on the development of professional competences in future teachers, improving key areas of teaching practice. It is recommended to integrate them into teaching training programmes and to undertake further studies to explore their effectiveness in different educational contexts.


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Author Biographies

Edith Maria Llerena Espinoza, National University of Education Enrique Guzmán y Valle

Doctor in Education, Master in Higher Education and Bachelor in Education with mention in Chemistry and Physics. Specialization studies in Virtual Learning Environments at Universidad César Vallejo. I am a research professor at FEDU - UNE. Currently, I assume the role of teacher in the pre-professional teaching practice in the Chemistry, Physics and Biology program at UNE “Enrique Guzmán y Valle”. Experience in the publication of research projects at UNE and scientific articles in indexed journals such as SciELO. In addition, I have participated in presentations at international and national conferences, providing a broad and updated perspective in the field of education and research.

Luzmila Garro-Aburto, Cesar Vallejo University

D. in Educational and Tutorial Psychology, Master in Educational Technology and Bachelor in Education with a major in Biology and Chemistry. Postdoctoral studies at CIFE, Mexico. She is a member of the International Research Network on Research Education (RISEI) and RedDolac. Currently, she teaches design and development of scientific research projects at the Graduate School of Universidad César Vallejo. Experience in the publication of scientific articles in indexed journals such as Scopus, Web of Science and SciELO. In addition, I have participated in presentations at international and national conferences, providing a broad and updated perspective in the field of education and research.

Hugo Luis Huanachin-Ttito, Unidad de Gestión Educativa

Master in Education Administration and Bachelor in Secondary Education in the specialty of Electronics. Specialization studies in Educational and Public Policies at Universidad César Vallejo. She is a member of the Lima Regional Committee on Multiple Certification. Currently, she is a specialist in Technical Productive Education at UGEL 06 - DRELM. Experience in the publication of scientific articles. In addition, she has participated in presentations at national congresses, providing a broad and updated perspective in the field of education and educational management.

Pilar Clemente-Castillo, Cesar Vallejo University

Doctor in Education, Master in Educational Psychology and Bachelor in Education from the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. University professor with extensive experience in Educational Planning and Organization, Management Skills and Scientific Research Methodology. Currently, she teaches at the Graduate School of the Universidad César Vallejo. She has a solid academic background and vast experience in the educational field. Her skills include teamwork, empathy, discipline and responsibility, qualities that have allowed me to excel in her professional career and contribute significantly to the academic development of her students.

Ulises Córdova-García, Cesar Vallejo University

D. in Education, Master in Educational Management and experienced teacher at the Graduate School of the Universidad César Vallejo and at the General Prado Public Educational Institution. Professor of Design and Development of Research Projects, with experience in university teaching since 2009. Specialized in educational management, with a strong expectation to develop lines of research that improve educational quality and contribute to the development of science and innovation in the educational field. His goal is to contribute to the personal and professional growth of his students, enhancing their skills, aptitudes and attitudes from the classrooms of the Graduate School of the Universidad César Vallejo in Lima.


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How to Cite

Llerena Espinoza, E. M., Garro-Aburto, L., Huanachin-Ttito, H. L., Clemente-Castillo, P., & Córdova-García, U. (2024). Towards a digital pedagogy: Implementation of the socio-formative e-rubric in the training of teachers . European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–16.


