Foundations of sustainability in humanistic values for university students




sustainability, Curriculum, university, justice, dignity, values, ATLAS.ti, holistic


Introduction: The University is called upon to train young people to respond to the challenges that society will demand of them in the future. Education in humanistic values is key to a sustainable society in a broad sense. The objective of the project is to try to show the need to base sustainability in young people from the humanities. Methodology: The software ATLAS.ti version 24 was used to qualitatively analyse the results of a questionnaire applied to 401 university students with various items on sustainability and humanistic values. The starting hypothesis is the insufficiency of the holistic interpretation of the concept of sustainability. Results: The results of the analysis are presented in a structured way, highlighting the most significant themes and patterns, the importance of humanistic values and integration into the curriculum. Discussions: The late 20th century identifies that justice and dignity ensure that actions towards sustainability are carried out in an equitable and respectful manner, guaranteeing that all members of society benefit from sustainable development. Conclusions: We understand that for a holistic understanding of reality, the incorporation of the humanities into the formative curriculum at universities is advisable. A university course designed with a holistic approach not only educates students in their field of study, but also prepares them to be engaged citizens.


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Author Biographies

Daniel De La Rosa Ruiz, Francisco de Vitoria University

D. in Education from the Universidad Camilo José Cela. Professor in the Department of Humanistic Education at the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria. He stands out for promoting the importance of sustainability and social commitment in university education. He is author and co-author of several scientific articles that address issues such as inclusive education, sustainability in the university context, and teacher training for special education. He has also been part of international conferences where he has shared his work on environmental education and the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in universities. Her academic work seeks to integrate humanistic values in the education of university students, to foster a committed and responsible citizenship).

Susana Miró López, Francisco de Vitoria University

D. in Humanities and Social Sciences from the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria, where she teaches in the Department of Humanistic Education. Her thesis entitled: The meaning of suffering in the work of Flannery O'Connor (2010). Her publications, with a multidisciplinary approach, aim to put in dialogue the different sciences in the light of an expanded reason to address the great existential questions. She studies the vulnerability of different groups and the importance of comprehensive training at university to achieve a more just and humane world. Its vocation: to prepare young people to face future challenges, taking into account the vocation of social service in their professions.


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How to Cite

De La Rosa Ruiz, D., & Miró López, S. (2024). Foundations of sustainability in humanistic values for university students. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–16.


