The genesis of video and its innovative debut in audiovisual creation




Video, audiovisual technology, television, creation, video art, video shooting, video tape recorder, video editing


Introduction: The research provides a comprehensive and reflective overview of the birth and evolution of video during its first decade of development. Its impact on the production and consumption of audiovisual content is studied. Methodology: the study adopts a comprehensive methodological approach that encompasses exploratory, descriptive, explanatory elements and engages in an exhaustive review of the available material, including technical, historical, socio-cultural aspects and their implications for audiovisual creation. Results and discussions: the article explains how affordable portable video recorders expanded the possibilities for content production and distribution, allowing a wider variety of creators to participate in visual storytelling. It also highlights how television and video have become essential tools in a number of key fields in society, transcending the boundaries of entertainment to encompass medicine, education and security. Conclusions: The widespread adoption of video has transformed both the practice and perception of audiovisual production, becoming a powerful tool for artistic expression and visual storytelling, whose impact endures in contemporary society.


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Author Biography

Francisco José Gómez Díaz, Rey Juan Carlos University

Professor at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid who teaches subjects related to audiovisual technologies and graphic design. PhD in Audiovisual Communication (UCM), Master in Film, TV and Interactive Media (URJC) and degree in Advertising and Public Relations (UCM). Member of the research group Museum I+D+C (Digital Culture and Hypermedia Museography Laboratory) at the Complutense University of Madrid. In addition to the development of his own independent productions in video support, he maintains collaborations with different artists (such as Eva Lootz) and has extensive experience as a consultant in communication and advertising specializing in social networks and information technologies.


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How to Cite

Gómez Díaz, F. J. (2024). The genesis of video and its innovative debut in audiovisual creation. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–15.



Research articles